chapter 5

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A few day after we settled Nik and I came up with a plan. I would try to get some information on the Doppelgänger and her love ones. Nik has already switch bodies with someone close to the Doppelgänger, an History  teacher named Alaric. It also turns out that my brothers are here. Like Katrina, Elena has both of them hook by their thumps.

"Hello love." Klaus/Alaric came in the room and tried to kiss me, but I backed away. He looked so hurt.

"Not in this body. You get non. No kiss and defiantly no touchy touchy." I said putting my hand on his chest, lightly pushing him away. Even though I loved Nik's kisses and they made me feel like I was on cloud nine. The thought of kissing him in someone else's body made me feel like I was cheating on him in some way.

"Alright love, But as soon as I change back..." He trailed off looking down at my body. I pushed him away from me.

"Nik I leaving tomorrow to see a fellow witch friend of mine. I'll be back in a few days. I just need to know more about this ritual." I said while in my thoughts.

"Anastasia what did I tell you? There is nothing more to this curse. Why cant you just listen." Klaus grabbed onto my arms tightly. I looked down at his hand my arms and then back up to his face. I pried myself out of his arms. I don't know how ,but I did.

"You wanna know why I don't listen KLAUS?!" He flinched back when I yelled his name. He knows I only call him Klaus when he's acting like a cactus is stuck up his ass.

"I want to make sure that it's safe for you! WHY? Because I LOVE YOU! and when I say I have a weird feeling about something. Why don't you trying listening to me for once." I stormed out of the room only seeing red. He never tries to at lease listen to me. That one cause is the only problem in our relationship. Our conversation changed from a loving one to one with rage in one point five seconds flat.

I walked around in the woods until I found a camp site. A man and a girl were building a tent. I cleared my throat, because it was burning from the smell of blood that was flowing through there veins. They turned around obviously startled. I vamp speed towards them and looked into both of their eyes.

"Are you two a couple"

"Yes" They said in union

"Do any of you have family?"

'No' The both replied

Good, two meals in one trip.

I turned to the man. He looked petrified.

"Run." I told the man and that was all he needed to take off in the opposite direction of me.. I drained the woman instantly. I let the man get a few minutes head start. After three minutes I took off after him. As soon as I caught up to him I stopped in front of him and showed my true face. I went straight for his jugular. I ripped through his skin with ease. The sounds of his screams were falling on dead man's ears. I didn't stop feeding until I felt his body go limp and cold. I dropped the sack of bones that was once called a person and headed back to the apartment.

"I'm sorry Love." was the first thing I heard when I walked in the door. I should be happy I got even got an apology, but I'm not. He needs to give me more than an I'm sorry. So I simply nod my head walk to the bedroom silently. I go to the bath room to wash the blood off of my face. I turn to hot water on and cup some in my hands. I put my face down in the sink and splash it with the warm water. The hot water on my face feels so refreshing. I lean my head up and began reaching on for a towel only to realize there isn't one.

"Here Love." A soft voice said. I turned around to see Nik holding out a hand towel for me.

"Thank you." I take the towel and wipe my face. Feeling the tension in the air, I try to leave the bathroom only to be stopped by Nik.

"Look I'm sorry. The same way as you don't want me to get hurt, I don't want you to get hurt either. I love you and I possibly couldn't function correctly a day with out you."

"Klaus--" He cut me off

"Please don't call me that, love."

"Nik. I forgive you, but you have to listen to me sometimes. I know you have trusting problems, even if you don't want to admit it."

"Love I swear as soon as i make it back to my own body, I will make this up to you."




I'd really like to thank @sanajohn for giving me inspiration to keep this story going and she made me remember why i even started writing it in the first place so thanks.

Alaric's apartment------------------------->>>>>>

Anastasia Salvatore MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang