Chapter 12

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"So let me get this straight. You want me to go to SCHOOL!" I yelled at Klaus towards the end of my sentence.

"Yes, please I need you for this. "  He pouted which by the way made him look extremely cute.

"Fine, but when I need something you better be the first one in line to volunteer."

"Thanks love and I promise Ill push everyone out of the way to get to you." He smiled.

"You start today. I already signed you up." He said getting up.

"Whatever." I went to get ready.

I picked out some black pants, a grey skull shirt, and a black scarf with skulls all over it. I put on some black shoes that went up to my knees.

"I'm ready lets go." I said to Klaus.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked innocently, but we all know he is far from that.

"No, i just don't want to go to school. I already know a lot of things. Do you know how boring it is to listen to the same stuff over and over again." I complained.

"Time will pass by and before you know it you'll be back with me." He smiled.

"Why says I want to be back with you. I could want to go to the grill or shopping." I said crossing my arms and sticking out my tongue.

The rest of the drive to school was silent.  Until we pulled up.

"Do I really have to go?" I whined

"Yes. Now get out."

"I'm going to remember this."

"Me to love" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and got out. Thats when I realized that people was staring at me. I ignored them and walk into. the school. Finding the office was a breeze.

"I'm the new student. Can I get my schedule please." She didnt even asked for my name. She looked as if she has been compelled. I have feeling I know who did it.

History with Mr. Alaric Saltzman was my first class. Well it will be a delight seeing him again. Not.

I walked into the classroom. The whole class stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"You must be the new student Mrs. Mikaelson." He spat out Mikaelson.

"Why yes I am." I said sarcastically. Nik put me in the system as his wife. I look freaking 17. He is going to hear a lot of colorful words from me.

Everyone looked down at my left hand. Which had a big diamond on my ring finger. Well the promise ring isn't making this any better.

"Well you can take the seat right next to Elena." The Doppelgänger raised her hand.

As I sat down, Elena whispered to me.

"Why are you here?"

I didn't answer her. I just looked at the board.

"Please don't hurt all these people." She begged.

Wow just because I'm with a Original I get labeled a serial killer. Ouch hurtfull. I still didn't answer though which kept her on edge the entire class period.

"Mrs. Mikaelson can I speak to you." Alaric asked as the bell rung. I nodded my head and stayed in my seat until everyiwas out. Everyone except Stefan and Elena.

"What can I do for you?" I asked sweetly.

"You can leave." Elena chimed in.

"Haha no and I asked him not you. Speak when spoken to or ill rip the tongue out your pretty little mouth." I sounded calm and deadly.

Elena looked shocked but she quickly closed her mouth and took a step back.

I turned back to Alaric and nodded for him to continue.

"Why are you here?"

"Well if it isn't obvious. Learning is wonderful." I said sarcastically and left the room I really don't fell like having this conversation again.

They just made hungry. I packed a blood bag, but I knew that would only help a bit. I went to the bathroom. A little preppy teen was fixing her make up.

"Hey can you help me?" I asked her.

"Yeah. What do you need?" She smiled and came near me.

"I so very hungry. Don't scream or struggle." I compelled her.

I bit into the pulsing vein on the left side of her neck.  I was half way done when I felt something internally prooding my skull.

I let the girl go and turned around. The little witch Bonnie was trying to give me an aneurysm.

I smirked.

"That doesn't work on me sweetheart." I pushed her. She flew back into a brick wall. She fell onto the floor passed out. Well thats happened before.

I walk back to the preppy girl and compelled her to forget me. I gave her my scarf to hide the wound. Which sucked cause that was my favorite scarf.

Well I'm of to my next class. Kill me now.


okkk. I have decided to add the character of @LexieLovesPTX.

Sorry i haven't been updating. I was shopping and I'm trying to get tickets to go to a concert. Its like forty dollars. Sooo.... yeah.






Anastasia Salvatore MikaelsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz