Chapter 1

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~Chris's POV~

I grew up in the small town of Tappahannock, Virginia. I had a typical childhood, I grew up knowing both parents and having them in my life, they were happily married with three lovely kids. Myles, my younger brother who was twelve, Lauryn, my older sister who was nineteen, and me as the middle child at the ago of fifteen. My father was a mechanic and had his own business, Monty's Auto Shop, which was down the street, and my mother was a nurse at Riverside Tappahannock Hospital two towns over from where I grew up. My parents went to the same high school and were high school sweethearts, they got married in their middle twenties. Their parents didn't approve of them getting married at a "young age" because they "even knew what love was because they were too young". After only being married for a year they gave birth to Lauryn, then while on a family vacation four years later I was conceived and then popped out nine months later while my mom was sitting in the living room watching a movie with Lauryn. And finally three years later in the middle of May Myles was born, he was the only child of us three that was born at a hospital. Life was peaches and cream now that I had people to talk to and hang out with at home and at school that I actually got along with most of the time, until that tragic night on September 9th. Myles and I had stayed the night at our Aunt Carol's house, while my parents were coming home from picking Lauryn up from a school trip. My aunt got a call in the middle of the night saying that someone had set my family's house on fire and there weren't any survivors. For three months straight I cried myself to sleep and would always ask why God would let something like this. After I finally stopped crying after all of those months I grew extremely angry and would always question my aunt and other people in my family who had burned down my house that night and no one was able to give me the answers that I wanted. After not having gotten any kind of signs or answers from anyone I just gave up all hope in family, faith, and God. I stayed with my Aunt Carol until a week after I turned eighteen and decided to move out. At the time Myles was only fifteen and now that I considered an adult I was set that I wasn't going to college because I already knew that I wasn't going to get anything good out of going to college. I ended up taking over my father's store, Monty's Auto Shop, and got a small town house three miles away from my childhood house.

5 YEARS LATER (Present Day)

Since Myles had fully accepted the fact of our parents and our older sister being dead before I did, he was able to focus on better things such as school. And now that he was 17 and applying to colleges he wasn't wasting time on dumb things like girls, well I mean he had girlfriend here and there but he would always put his education first.There have been many times where I have tried to move on and get over the fact of my family being dead by trying to date, but I would get really annoyed with girls always being in my face and being too touchy and clingy. But there was this one girl that I was with for a while but I eventually grew tired of her. One night we went to the movies and when we got back to my house (my Aunt Carol was away at the time) we had sex and after we both reached climax she started to cuddle with me, we've cuddled plenty of times after having sex plenty of times but this time I just wasn't feeling it I guess. She started to give me head and when she finished I told her to get her shit and leave. There was a point during the relationship where I thought that I actually did love her and could possibly see my self with her later on in the future as my wife and us possibly having a family together but there was just something about her that made me think about my family, mainly my mother, every time I looked at her and I just wasn't having that. So I told her to get her shit and hit the road. After that I just stopped dating, no matter how fine they were I just didn't date anymore because I just couldn't emotionally handle loosing someone that I was close to and had real feelings for. For a while I would always keep to myself, I basically pretended to be a deaf mute and never talked to anyone even if they talked to me just so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone and potentially catch feelings or get attached.

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