Chapter 1;

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So yeah this is my first fanfic ever made.. The first chapter is mostly about you and your sister and how you got into the group. Not much happening yet.. Feel free to comment and give feedback or tips! Thanks. ~ I dont own character nor the story.. All credits go to the creators of TWD.

" I think we lost them " you said out of breath as you and your sister said down in some kind of bush, in the middle of the woods of Georgia.. " we have around 3 hours daylight left, that means we need to find some food and water soon before it gets dark " you said as you looked at your younger sister who sat besides you sobbing quietly. " she was scared, you knew that. She always was a little scaredy cat, but now she had all the right to be scared heck even you felt it a little.. It was all about survival now, a matter of life and death. You put a comforting arm around her and tried to calm her down " shhh calm down " you said softly. " We get out of here, find something to eat and drink and make a camp somewhere.. Im here for you, i will protect you as i always did and always will you know that... We cant just sit here and cry all the time, we have to deal with the situation, were not dead, were alive and as long as were alive we need to fight, i promise we will find some safe place and everything will be alright " you said sternly yet comforting.. ( S/N ) looked at you with teary eyes but nods in agreement " You re right " she said as she pulled you in for a hug " I'm sorry " she said
" no need to be " you said with a soft smile. " lets go, before it gets dark " you said as you grab her hand and continue your journey.
~le little timeskip.
After you first killed the dead zombie things that were inside the store. You now were both grabbing as much food cans and bottles of water you could carry.. " this should be enough for now " (S/N) said happily as you walked out again.. Not expecting the company that was walking towards both of you.. " fuck me " you said angry " most be dozens of them, we have to get out of here " you sister said with a shaky voice. " We cant, we have to fight them!" You kinda said heroic but deep down you were scared as fuck. They got closer and closer, your tried to pull your sister together, yelling things towards her as she needs to fight, but she couldnt she was just sitting on the ground hands on her ears screaming for them to go away.. It seems like the screaming only brought in more company. But you couldnt talk any sense in her.. You grabbed your bow off your back dropped the bags of supplies and start shooting arrows in their heads, trying to fight them off, you had no other choice as your sister was out of business. It didn't matter anyways they just got closer and closer you grabbed your sisters hand and try to run away as they now close you in against the wall of the store " thats it, its over now" you thought as you grabbed your sisters hand tightly and closed your eyes... But then suddenly you heard gun shots and slicing and when you opened your eyes you saw all those zombie's down on the ground and a small group of people in front of you.. It was quiet, like deadly quiet. The only thing you heard was your sister her soft cries.

" You two okay? Any scratches or bites? " an asian man said as he slowly approached you.. You both shaked your heads " no. " you said as you tried to back off a bit but then again realized there was a wall behind you.. You sighed in defeat. " the name is Glenn " he said with a soft smile on his lips. " that there is Maggie, The one in the middle is Rick our group leader and the one with the crossbow thats Daryl " he said as he pointed them out.. You both just stared at the small group, you got a bit uncomfortable with the man and his crossbow, he didnt stop staring at you and it made you feel like you were some sort of criminal or something like that. " im (Y/N) and this is (S/N) she is is my baby sister " you said. The man so called Rick stepped forward "You seem like good people, we have a place a few miles away, its safe, we have shelter, food and water. You could stay if you want, join our group maybe?? Only if you want it ofcourse " He added. You eyed your sister and she just gave a small nod in agreement. You both had been traveling along time so a place to rest without some kind of fear if you can put it like that, sounded nice. You also nod slowly in agreement towards Rick " good, lets go then " rick said. On your way towards the car you grabbed your bags of supplies and put them on your back. As you walked towards the car you felt some pair of eyes still piercing through your body. " ugh he must be still staring at me " you thought, a small smile appearing on your face. As you now stepped into the car with your sister.
" i hope this is the right decision after all " you thought as you stared out of the window. On your way to a new "start" at a new place, with new people.

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