Chapter 1

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That's how she feels. She died a long time ago. But, she is immortal.

At least her body is..... but her emotions?

Those are not.....

She has never been popular. She feels that everyone hates her and if by chance you don't hate her, she feels unworthy of you. She has been through more than you could even imagine. She has tried to kill herself more than you can count on your own fingers.

She hates herself and everyone hates her.

She's dead but she cannot die. She will NOT die, despite the number of times that she has tried.

The door opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house. Cobwebs once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to the well worn floor. The light gave notice to the peeling of the walls and to the silhouettes once covered by pictures. The new air gave light to the stuffiness that entrapped the room. Faded white sheets covered the once new furniture that is now engulfed in dust.

Sitting in the middle of the room was a girl. She had beautiful long golden blonde hair that reached to the end of her tail bone. Her arms folded up on her lap, sitting with her legs crossed, staring at the lonely clock. It was the only thing that decorated the sad walls.

This is where she lives.

This is how she lives.

She didn't really live for anything particular. She just survived.

All light is drained from her eyes as she stares, all hope dropping away slowly. Today she is 17 years old and she does not realize it.

She sat there trembling, faintly hearing the voices outside the glass windowed wall that separated her from normal people. (Her family) she was not normal, she was far from normal and she knew that much. She knew that she was different, she just didn't know how different.

Somehow she had found a piece of broken glass and had "scratched herself" as she put it. But it was not just a scratch. I don't know what you call a scratch but her blood had painted the white floors.

It was only suppose to be a scratch .... I'll be fine..... I promise. She whispers slowly and continues. It is only a flesh wound, I'll wake up. I have to! I can't die. She says faintly while slowly laying her head softly to the blood painted floor, her eyes slowly falling as she fell asleep.

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