Chapter 3

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She showed up at school kinda troubled, it was nothing new to her, it was her persona normally while she is at school, withdrawn with that uneasy quietness to her. She would wander around aimlessly for no apparent reason. Most of the time she became noticeably jittery, anxious, and would bite her nails to cope. It was her first day back in school after a long sad summer. The hallways seemed busier. The students seemed to be less friendly. Also the teachers, they seemed to not care that she did not know her way around. The lunch bell rang and she was freed from history sorta confused. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and took out her map determined to find her way without help. Big football players would push and shoved through the hallway in an effort to make it to lunch first. Groups of cheerleaders would find their table to sit down and gossip. The simplest look would bring her attention to the past so she would just do her best as always to focus on the present. New school, new teacher, new clothes, and the same Fucked up person who wanted absolutely nothing to do with school. Luckily her school day was almost over.

Finally, the bus drops her off at home and as she walks up to the front door, she is welcomed with fear running through her veins.

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