Loved (Shirogane x Reader)

910 41 13

Request by NighticGirl
" worthless."
"Shirogane, please come out!"
"It's fine now. (Y/n) is safe now."

Another sob came from the lonely ice cave. You and Yukisada were sand at the entrance, trying to convince your wolf friend to come out. It had happened again; Idate had attacked you and Shiro, leaving the wolf with a new scar, mentally and physically. Your leg had been clawed badly, leaving you with a cane. Not only that, Suno showed up soon after, insulting Shiro, calling him "weak" and a "coward".

"This isn't working," you told the snowy owl. "I'm going in." Soon as the words left your mouth, Yukisada understood why. He smiled warmly and said, "I believe now is the time to tell him." Your (e/c) eyes sparkled with hope given by your close friend. Soon, you worked your way into the cave, the cane helping with your balance.

You hated seeing him like this. The depressed wolf was wrapped up in his cape, shivering in tears. He was always like this and you hated it. Not because you found it annoying, it's because you felt helpless. Shiro only comes to this cave when he is deeply depressed. 'Why does everyone hate him?' You stared asking yourself. 'It's not his falt. The others just don't understand.' Brittleness swirled inside you, hating Idate and Suno for hurting someone you truly loved. 'I have to tell him.'

"I'm a weakling," Shiro muttered. "I couldn't protect her and now she hates me." Pain shot through your heart.

"Shiro," you called out to him, praying that he would not ignore you. No response. You tried again. "S-shiro, it's me. I-" Words got stuck in your throat. Tears began to form. He thinks it's his fault that you were hurt. Hard as it might, you continued. "I d-don't hate y-you.*sniff* I don't-t. A-a-and I *gasp* t-think y-our amazing a-and k-kind *sniff* a-a-and I l-lov-v-ve..." You collapsed on you knees sobbing, shouting out over and over again that he should hate you.
Shiro had listened to all what you said. 'Amazing? Me?' asked his thoughts. His one eye then spotted you crying. He then heard that he should hate you, forever. How could he hate someone who cared for him, maybe even loved him! Shiro hastily unwrapped himself, went down to his knees, embarrassing you gently; fearing of hurting you. With all the courage he muster, he spoke.

"I don't hate you, (Y/n). I can't hate you! You were always there for me and defended me. Even against Idate himself! And even though you where injured, you stayed with me." He could feel you calming down. "(Y/n), please don't make hate you. Please. I love you too much to hate you. If anyone should be hating anyone, you should be hating me." Silence filled the air as Shiro held your body close. A small smile found its way on your lips. He loved you.

You placed your hands on the side of the wolf's face, forcing him to look at you. "No." Shiro tear soaked eyes widened as you kissed his do forehead. "I can't hate you. I love you too much to hate you too." Happiness swelled in Shiro as two embraced each other. And the first time in forever, Shiro felt loved.

Extended ending
Yukisada: Those have been in there for awhile. Have they fallen asleep?
Peraco: Don't know. At least (Y/n) confessed.
Yukisada: No, Shirogane was the first to say it.
Peraco: What?! No, it was (Y/n)!
Yukisada: Shiro!
Peraco: (Y/n!)
Peraco and Yukisada: Y-yes ma'am!
*Meanwhile, (Y/n) and Shirogane are cuddling in the cave. Exchanging small kisses and "I love you"s.*

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