Prankster (Fukami x Reader)

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Another request by NighticGirl !
(The picture doesn't belong to me)
(S/a)-  Sea animal {of your choice}

Fukami was enjoying the quiet afternoon. It's was a perfect time to read too. The sea was calm, Dolphi was drawing, and the music from Wadanohara playing the piano made everything more enjoyable to relax. Nothing could change this peaceful Sunday......Or so it seems for the octopus familiar.

Not to far away, right behind the corner, where the two most mischievous females were plotting their next prank. So far they got Wadanohara with silly string and Dolphi with sea slugs! And now it was Fukami's turn. Who are these little masterminds? It's Memeco and (Y/n), of course!

The seagull and (s/a) have been planning for hours to pull the most hilarious prank in a life time! (Well, to them, obviously.) And what better way to do the deed then drawing on a kuudere's face?

"Alright! You gave Wada the music sheet C-gull 1?" (Y/n) asked her partner with code name.

Memeco grinned. "Sure did, Meme-lord7! Good thinking on Wanda's piano skills. With the right song, she can lure anyone to sleep; especially Fukami!"

(Y/n) frowned. Sure she knew that the fact that Fukami liked the sea witch; but she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of her. The familiar may or may not have a crush on the octopus boy too...

"Hey, Wada is playing the song!" The seagull whisper shouted in (Y/n)'s ear. Sure enough, a calming tone played through out the home, making the atmosphere more relaxed and calming than before. Fukami's eyes started to shut while he was reading. He tried to stay awake, but sleep over took him.

The girls smiled as they pulled out their special markers. They both knew that he would be out for hours of the piano kept going. It was time!

Three minutes had past by as the two familiars continued to draw on Fukami's pale face. Memeco had switch to the other side of the arm of the chair to get left side of his face; while (Y/n) was happy seated on his lap, doodling on his forehead. His reading glasses were placed on the top of his head to avoid the chaos caused by the duo.

"Hey you know what we need?" (Y/n) lips danced with a smirk. Memeco look up from drawing a shark; Fukami's LEAST favorite thing in the sea. "Wha?" The young familiar's eye met other's.

"Glow-in-the dark stickers.~"
Right at that moment, Memeco slid of the arm and ran to the shared bedroom. The (s/a) giggled as she turned back to face the vandalized victim. Despite being covered in multiple doodles, the octopus looked rather peaceful. (Y/n) caught herself starring at him. She also noticed that she was reeeeeeally close to his face too. Close enough to...kiss.
'Eh! No stop it, you!' She turned her face away, blushing bright. 'Fukami is your friend! Sure he's kinda cool, nice,...and cooks really good food. Not only that, he's kinda...handsome.'

(Y/n) moved her (e/c) eyes to Fukami once more. He was still really close. If the girl moved forward, she could give him a peck. And only that. Slowly, she move towards him. 'Just...j-just this once. Nothing to big. Right?' Taking in a deep breath, (Y/n) purse her lips slightly. And as she leaned in...


Fate has a harsh way of saying, "Hey, snap out of it!" Like sending a seagull with an armful of stickers with a WTH face that will probably be permanent. What was more permanent was the sifting underneath (Y/n).

Uh oh.

"(Y/n), what are you doing on my lap....?"
The young familiar turns her head slowly to the octo-boy bellow her. "Um....UM..."  She had to to something of he's going to hate her, or worse, COOK HER. Think, (Y/n), think!

With a deep breath, she cups Fukami's face and pull him into a soft kiss. His lips were...warm....


(Y/n) pulled back and rolled off of Fukami's lap, running out of the house. (Nice going.) The seagull followed close behind, yelling at her partner what the heck she did.

Fukami just...sat there. Confused. And...blushing. He never been kissed and quite frankly, he never thought of being kissed by (Y/n). He felt something flipped in his gut that confused him even more. Is he sick? Maybe Wadanohara can help him; but first...he needed to wash his face. Letting the girls draw on his face was not the best idea....

(Ah! I'm so sorry this is late- I hope you  liked it!)

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