Chapter 24

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I rolled over, the bright sunlight streaming through the double doors of our luxurious bedroom and stared into the stunning cerulean eyes of my lover. His azure hair was spread out over the pillows above his head like a fan and I couldn't help but run my fingers through it. He smiled at me and I felt my heart turn over in my chest. something dark niggled in the back of my mind but I pushed it down as I cupped his cheek and ran a finger over his plump lips.

"I could lie here beside you forever."

He chuckled and reached over to trace a scar I had on my upper arm from one of my many fights.

"We can't do that."

"Why not? I don't have anywhere to be. I should quit my job. Leave the company. I have enough money you and I could go far away where no one would know us. We could start fresh."

His smile held a trace of sadness and he shook his head, his lips trembling.

"We can't, not anymore."

The dark thing in the back of my mind threatened to rear its ugly head and a feeling of emptiness began to spread through my chest.

"Why not?"

"You have to wake up now."


I rolled over, gripping his arms tightly as I hovered above him. His face didn't twist in pain as my fingers dug into his pale flesh.

"Wake up Karma."

"I don't want to!"

I was shocked to feel tears rolling down my face.

"You can't stay here forever. I am not real."

"Yes, you are!"

I leant down and pressed my lips to his and he felt solid, real. Just like the last time I had held him. The night before I had lost him forever. The thought shocked me and I rocked backwards, the sunlit morning turning dark and dream Nagisa smiled sadly up at me. I blinked and he was in a dress, blood running down his neck and cheek, his lips swollen and his eyes pained.


I reached for him but the dream faded away and pulled me back into consciousness.

There was nothing human in me as I lunged for Isogai, who was blocking the door. I slammed into him, snarling like an animal as I struggled to get him into a choke hold. He tried to lash out at me but I easily caught his arm and slammed his head against the wall. I growled as two sets of hands dragged me off the dark-haired man and pinned me to the ground, my face being pushed into the ground as they tied my arms.

"Calm down Karma!"

I lifted my head up and saw Kayano and growled. She had made the decision to leave Nagisa behind, to leave him in the cold water. I wanted to snap her neck. She stepped back, her face paling from whatever she saw in my eyes. I couldn't even form words I just had to get out, to save Nagisa and to kill Takaoka and if these people who I had once considered friends got in my way there would be no mercy.

There was the familiar sting as Kayano drugged me with whatever she had concocted and I let it pull me down as I contemplated how next to escape.

Every time I woke up I escaped my bonds and attacked whoever was left to guard me, my single focus in getting out to find Nagisa. He had to be alive, there was no way I could even consider the possibility that he was dead. If he was there was no reason for me to keep on living.

One time I woke up to see Sensei in the room and the blind killing rage complete over took me. It was because of him that Nagisa had been on that boat. It was his fault. There was no trace of logical thinking as I had tried to attack him but I was no match for him and he easily knocked me out. After that they strapped me down and kept me in drug induced sleep. He had said he would let me up when I got over my tantrum.

My lover, my assassinWhere stories live. Discover now