what the fans love about you

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-you work at a dog shelter and always post pictures and videos of the dogs.
-you keep Elton smiling and make sure he isn't over working himself. you aren't afraid to tell him when to take it down a notch.

-you made a fake Colby fan account on twitter and make fun of him on it. the fans love who you joke around with Colby.
-you and Colby are always real. you took him further out of his comfort zone. you push him to be better.

-you are close with Colby, you both prank Sam and fuck with the rest of the house.
-you help Sam take the censor off. you make him be more vulgar and not as shy.

-you get super scared like Corey. you cry just as much as him. the fans love watching you both get scared.
-you and Corey dance together all the time. you made a youtube channel and post videos of you and Corey dancing weekly.

-the fans love how you are so supportive of Aaron. you are always there cheering him on and making him feel proud of himself more.
-you stand up for fans. you aren't afraid to address drama or tell fans when they are being ungrateful or are causing unnecessary drama.

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