Beginning of summer

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                  Its early in the morning and it is the last day of school for Melody. "Melody wake up or you'll be late for school!" said mom. " Yes, motherrr.." I reply as I get up from my bed rubbing my eyes. *Pitch black outside still because it is 6am.  As I walk to the bathroom I remember that it is the last day and get all excited. " It's the last day of school!" * Runs around and wakes up Brandon* " It's the last day of school Brandon! Wake up wake up!" I say. Just to mention I had my toothbrush in my mouth while trying to wake him up haha. After like 5 tries I finally got my little brother to wake up and get ready, as well as me I went to my room and went to put my make up on, get dressed and take my dog outside. I skip out on eating breakfast too, that's just me. 

*1 hour later

"We gotta go Melody! it's time for school now." said mom. "Yes, I'm coming I'm coming" I reply. *Gets in car* * Arrives at school and walks through the front door* "Well, it's the last day of school and the 1st day of summer break tomorrow" I said. So for me I just go to my 1st hour class as soon as I get to school, because to be honest..I have no friends at school at all actually.  I am a loner/outsider/weirdo and etc. I used to be in a big group till some issues came up so then I left them all. Excluding myself from any people or other groups in general. Class begins and I have World history, teacher walks in and says "Okay class first we will listen to the announcements and then go on to what we are going to do for today." But for me at about that time, my mind has already drifted off into its own little world of day dreaming and imaginations I wish would actually happen, but also knowing that they won't at the same time. As I look into mid air I think about wishing to find a good guy, like the ones you kinda see everywhere but they already have girlfriends. I want one that would love me for me, listen when I need a person to talk to, has the time to call and text me on his free time. That would be my dream guy, but I cant find that anywhere at all. While I was daydreaming for the whole hour of the class time, I just noticed that class has just ended too. "Crap, I'm gonna be late to 2nd hour!" I said. *I pack up my bag and head out to the other side of the halls to English next* Basically really how I acted in !st hour would be the same in all my classes because I just day dream in them to make time go by faster and it works pretty well, as far as I can say. Time goes by and next thing you know, it is the end of the day, meaning no more school, also meaning no more having homework and getting up early. *Kids throw papers in the air screaming while running out the door* Well there's me, the anti-social, not into really talking to other people type of person. "Last time on walking to school now for the rest of the break" I say. "Officially a Sophomore now!" I said in my mind at least.  

As I'm walking home I just start thinking " What am I going to do for the rest of the summer now?" of course nothing really since, I have no friends and parents won't let me go out anyway, I have no job, and I have nothing to do with my life in general. Sooo I guess I'm free now. *Gets home and puts in the garage pass code* "Finally, home and I can go and lay in my bed*Smiley face on*  I immediately go and lay on my bed and fall asleep. *Wakes up at 7p.m* "Wow I was really tired, ha..ha" I say. " Yeah, I can tell, you wouldn't even wake up when I called your name."Oh, and mom wants you to go and cook dinner. She's on her way home." - replied Brandon. " Yeah yeah, okay I'll go." * Walks downstairs to go and gets things ready but then sees Bear(My dog) and gets distracted*  " Hi my Bear! Were you good today?"I say as I pet her. After that I went into the kitchen to cook me some food because, gosh I was hungryyy. * Noises of pans moving and the noise of the fire on the stove turning on* "Hey, you want anything to eat Brandon?" I ask my little brother. " No, I'm good. I already ate" he replied. "Ok then" I say. Hmm what should I cook? Should I cook eggs? Sausage? I don't know, probably just gonna do something simple.  I then just cook myself some eggs and rice. Being asian I love rice haha.  Putting on some music and dancing around in the kitchen like usually. *Cooks with music in the back and hearing my brother say "Stopppp Melodyyy. It's grosss" I just began to laugh at what he said.  " Ima go upstairs and eat my food and leave you here. Okay?" I say. " Yeah yeah, good now I can have my area to myself( referring to the downstairs / living room)" he replied. 

I then walk upstairs, grab my laptop, and then go and sit on my bed eating. *Opens laptop and goes to YouTube* 

*1 hour later 

I mostly was just listening to music the whole time and writing in my journals/ writing stories. Just things that I like to do on my free time. The other thing would to be watching anime too haha. You know, passing time like what a usual teen girl would be doing after school. I just want it to be the actual first first day of summer already. Mom and dad will be working and me and Brandon will just be at home with Bear. I'll be on my phone and laptop and Brandon will be on his laptop downstairs while Bear just does her own things and calls/ barks or whines when she needs up for something. By the time that I am done with everything I look at the time and it is already 6 p.m and mom and dad aren't back yet. *Couple minutes later*  *Hears the garage door open and the cars pulling in* "Hey, mom!" says  Brandon *Runs to mom and hugs her* "Hi my son! I missed you!" she replied as she hugs him too. As you can tell, I'm just on the side standing on the staircase leaning over the stair railing. "Hey, mom*Waves hi* after that I go back up stairs and lay in bed while the dog went ahead and followed me. *Clatter of noises from mom moving her things onto the counter * * Brandon singing his songs that I don't even know are even songs* As for me I sit in bed, doing my thing. Like going on Facebook, Instagram, and Snap chat.  *Scrolling through Facebook* *Scroll scroll scroll* " Ouu who is this??*Immediately goes on this guys Facebook page and looks at photos * "He's cute to be honest *Looks at photos even more*  "Hm maybe I'll add him on facebook, it's not like he would actually text me though, so it's fine " As I say that in my head. 

*Couple hours later

*Messenger notification from Ace Xiong* " OMG IT'S HIM. IT'S HIM" I say that in my head too. As I open the text my heart starts to race and I can hear it too *Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum*  I get nervous as I approach the text that that guy had sent me, because I like have a crush on this guy that I just happen to see on a social media. * Goes into the text* *Opens the text* Ace: "Hi". Me:"Hi" During the time we just begin to text one another. He then replies" Do I know you?" I respond with a lie saying " Oh, no sorry. You see I let my cousin use my phone and she just added random guys thinking they were cute from my page. Sorry to bother you about it" I reply. " No problem lol. Do I know your cousin by any chance?" he asked. Me:" Oh, no. she doesn't live here in the state. She lives in my come town state where I am from." Ace:" Oh ok lol. Well tell her I said thanks for the compliment.*Insert laughing emoji*"  As me and him started to talk, I realized that time had really moved om fast because, for once I was having fun texting a person. Also this person might actually become a internet best friend. As in what people in the social media world call it I guess. He text me from "Good morning " to "Good night" every day, I never had a person text me that much before. I felt special to a persom for once and it kind of lit a little spark in me. I liked it. I was really happy in my days of the first week of the summer break part. 


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