At least you care

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After you tuck the kids to bed to went downstairs and made some tea and a whole dinner for yourself. You went back upstairs into your room and changed in your comfy/pyjamas clothes.

 You went back upstairs into your room and changed in your comfy/pyjamas clothes

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You put on a movie and went live on Instagram.

This is when you were live on Instagram.
Y/N:"What do I think about Maddie?"
Y/N:"I just think she is rude at least to me"
And you talk to the people on your live for about 1 hour and then you went on Disney channel and fell asleep watching Ravens home.

The next morning you woke up around 6 or 5:30 am and you got up and made your self some coffee and made the lunch for Hunter and Kyle.
This is Hunters outfit

 This is Hunters outfit

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And this is Kyle's

You go upstairs and wake them up and help them get dressed, they made there own breakfast which was cereal and you got some fruits for them

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You go upstairs and wake them up and help them get dressed, they made there own breakfast which was cereal and you got some fruits for them. You made there lunch and then went back upstairs to feed Parker and bring her downstairs, you give her fruits to eat.
This is your outfit for the day

Then you went into you the car and the kids were inside and you drove them to School and Parker at daycare

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Then you went into you the car and the kids were inside and you drove them to School and Parker at daycare. Then you go to chipotle and you see this girl and they looked like her sisters and you saw them make fun of her and so you brushed it off and then you sat next to there table and you heard all these disgusting comments that there making at there sister. You went to there table and talked to them.

Y/N:"Hey sweetie what's your name?"
Aria:"My name is Aria"
Y/N:"And how old are you?"
Aria:"I'm 13 turning 14 next week"
Y/N:"Yeah that's nice and who are those two girls?"
Aria:"There my stepsisters?"
Y/N:"And what are there names?"
Aria:"Christy and Justine"
Y/N:"So Christy and Justine why are you making fun of your sister"
Justine:"First of all she's my step sister and aren't you that crazy brat that everyone has been talking about?"
Y/N:"First of all I'm not a brat and second of al you don't treat your sister like that even if she's your step"
Christy:"You know what you can leave"
Y/N:"I would be gladly too but first Aria do you want to come sit with me"
Christy:"Aria come back her you little bi**h"
Aria:"Go away"
Christy and Justine leaves angrily
Y/N:"How do you deal with your sisters"
Aria:"I don't really see them as my sister I see as these scary mean girls"
Y/N:"Where are you parents"
Aria:"Ummm actually I've never seen or even met my mom and my dad my step sisters mom got married to my dad for the money and my dad just disappeared and I've seen him since the day there mom got into a big fight with my dad"
Y/N:"And you had to leave them"
Aria:"Yeah I mean the house is big but they make me sleep on the living room floor"
Y/N:"You know what, even if you sister make fun of you cause your not like them, doesn't mean I would, I would want to help you and take care of you"
Aria:"You would really do that"
Y/N:"I mean yeah"
Aria:"I forgot to ask you what's your name?"
Y/N:"My name is y/n Paul"
Aria:"Oh my gosh no way your related to Jake and Logan Paul"
Y/N:"I mean yeah there my brothers"
Aria:"That so cool"
Y/N:"I mean I could ask my friend Nate to come over and we could trying you help you with you stuff"
Aria:"That would be great"
Y/N:"Come on let's go"
Aria:"You mean now?"
Y/N:"Yeah of course"
You and Aria step outside of chipotle
Aria:"Is that your car?"
This is the car you were driving

Y/N:"Hey sweetie what's your name?"Aria:"My name is Aria"Y/N:"And how old are you?"Aria:"I'm 13 turning 14 next week"Y/N:"Yeah that's nice and who are those two girls?"Aria:"There my stepsisters?"Y/N:"And what are there names?"Aria:"Christy and Ju...

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While you two were in the car.
Aria:"I've seen you on teen vogue magazine"
Y/N:"Yeah did you like my modelling skills"
You both start laughing
Aria:"Yeah there really nice"
Y/N:"Thank you"
Aria:"I like you but I don't know why my sisters don't like you"
Y/N:"See I mean I get lots of hater and maybe your sister hates me"

You arrive at the front of your house.
Aria:"This is your house?"
Aria:"And you live next to the Why Don't We boys?"
Y/N:"Not exactly they live 2 house down"
Aria:"That still cool"
You two walk in and she sits on your coach"
Y/N:"Here I'll get you water"
Aria:"I got a text from my sisters"
Y/N:"What did they say?"
Aria:"They said there gonna take me back home"
Y/N:"Look you don't have to go back home"
Aria:"I know I don't want to"
You text Nate
Y/N:"Hey Nate"
Y/N:"You busy?"
Nate:"No why?"
Y/N:"Can you come over?"
Nate:"Yeah sure"

While your waiting for Nate you and Aria still talk.
Y/N:"So who's your favourite Why Don't We boy?"
Aria:"I love all of them"
Y/N:"I actually am dating one"
Aria:"Oh who?"
Y/N:"Jack Avery"
Aria:"No way your dating noodle head"
Aria:"I wish I can just live here"

Nate arrives and Aria opens the door and freaks outs.
Aria:"Oh my gosh Nate garner"
Y/N:"Yeah Nate come on in"
Nate walks into the kitchen hen cause your making lunch.
Nate:"So what do you need"
Y/N:"So you see this is Aria and she got made fun of by step sisters cause she not like her sister which made me sad and she said she doesn't like how her mom treats her which is ridiculous , I wanted to make her feel wanted and I wanted you to help me with that"
Nate:"Well that's every nice of you"
Aria:"People make fun of me at school sometimes"
Y/N:"Don't worry about those people worry about yourself"
Nate:"I can help you with anything"

You open the door and see those brats which are Christy and Justine.
Christy:"Were here to get our sister"
Y/N:"Well umm actually she wanted to stay"
Teresa:"Well she can't"
Y/N:"Im sorry who are you?"
Teresa:"I'm here step mother"
Y/N:"Well actually I heard you've been not letting her sleep in her own room and you don't pay much attention to her do you?"
Teresa:"Look I don't know what your talking about"
Justine:"Wait is that Nate garner?"
Christy and Justine runs to Nate and gives him a hug for the back and the front.
Nate:"Hi can I help you?"
Justine:"Were you biggest fan"
Christy;"What are you doing helping her?"
Nate:"Well I actually wanted to help her cause I heard you were saying mean stuff"
Justine:"I mean yeah but it's not like it effects or anything"
Y/N:"Im actually gonna tell you to leave NOW OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
Teresa:"You don't scare me"
Y/N:"Oh why would I, I mean why would a model scare you I already scared of you"
Teresa:"Your a model I doubt it"
Y/N:"well see right now I can't prove it to you cause I'm closing the door on you.
You close the door

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