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Jung Hoseok, a nice little boy well known by his neighbourhood, and his friends families. He was such a good little boy, everything was fine and dandy, always so happy. But no one bothers to look past his glossy eyes, and see the hurt he is suffering from. No one. Not even his own best friend, Kim Taehyung just a year younger than him.

Kim Taehyung lives a few blocks away from Hoseok. But that doesn't dare stop them from running to each other's places. But it stops Hoseok when his parents argue, when they say horrible things about him. When they hurt him.

  The one time Hoseok when he was nine, Taehyung ran to his house in hopes of getting to play. But when Taehyung got there he walked into the other boys house to see him laying on the ground with blood all over his arm, and his body covered in bruises. His parents yelling in their bedroom.

That day Kim Taehyung did
something that helped out Hoseok a lot. What he did wasn't expected from Hoseok's parents.

Kim Taehyung that afternoon took Hoseok to his house in hopes of safety, he never called the cops, he never called an ambulance. Because deep down inside Taehyung knew he would be okay.

Once Taehyung reached his home he immediately called his mom to come downstairs. As he grabs a wet cloth and starts to soak up all the blood on Hoseok's arm. Taehyung's mom rushed down the stairs hearing her baby boy cry for help, and when she got downstairs she gasped and covered her mouth at the badly bruised, and wounded child. "Hoseok my baby!" She cries and rushes all over the house to find the first aid supplies. Taehyung was whispering caring words in the wounded boys ear, "Don't worry Hoseok it will be okay. Please keep your eyes open!" Taehyung said as he touched Hoseok's hand, looking at him with a sheet of worry across his eyes.

Jung Hoseok was getting tired by the minutes, as he never gets sleep and his parents are constantly hurting him. So he struggles to stay awake. In the mean time Taehyung's mom comes back with a ice pack, a heating pad, bandages, alcohol rub, and cotton swabs. "It's gonna be okay honey!" She said to Hoseok with Taehyung beside her. "You cannot fall asleep okay dear." She says worried if he closes his eyes something bad will happen.

A few minutes later Taehyung's mom had fixed everything up to her nursing abilities, and brought Hoseok to Taehyung's bed room to rest. "Now you can't sleep on this arm okay?" She says pointing to his left arm. "Otherwise it may open up again and start bleeding." She says as she leans down and kisses Hoseok's forehead and Taehyung's, "Baby I need you to look after him alright?" Taehyung nods with concern shining in his eyes like stars.

But unfortunately the stars are beautiful and this situation is not. But everything shall be okay while the night is calm in the house of safety.

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First written November/2017
Published May/2018

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