a rant about pumpkin spice lattes

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guess what? it's fall. that means it's time to whip out the sweaters and boots and beanies. that also means pumpkin spice lattes are realeased. again.

i was thinking about something yesterday. why is every girl referred to as 'basic' when she buys a pumpkin spice latte? or what about when she wears leggings and ugg boots? has anyone ever possibly considered that she wears them because she's fucking comfortable? what a wild thought. 

and pumpkin spice lattes. they aren't basic, they're fucking delicious. girls get called 'basic bitch' for buying pumpkin spice lattes, wearing a certain brand of clothing, eating a certain type of food, or even coloring their hair.

but guys don't have that kind of problem. guys don't get called basic for wearing a brand of shoes (it's always lebrons), or watching a certain football team, or drinking bud light. it's just guy-etiquette. it's expected. 

im sorry about this little rant. i was just thinking about it, and it pissed me off. if you read the whole thing, thank you. im sorry if it sounds weird, im writing this at 1 a.m. and im probably gonna upload it this morning.

but seriously, if one of your friends buys a pumpkin spice latte, or wears ugg boots? please, just dont call her basic. 

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