Chapter 20: home

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Tyler's POV:

I did it and I don't know how. I broke out of it. And I feel great, and terrible, but still great. Josh fell asleep on the chair next to me. I feel sane again. I don't feel the hurt that has always been in me. I did it.


We did it.

He was the only reason I existed. How could I be such a fool? I know now that I love him and only him. I want nothing more than for us to go home and be happy.

I am happy
I am happy
I am happy

I look at him while he sleeps and see how peaceful he is. How could anyone ever hurt him? How could I ever hurt him?

I quickly remembered how and why I was here.

Josh wakes up:

He looks so tired with his droopy eyes and messy hair. He stands up and gives me kisses me on my forehead.
I began to cry.

"Why are you crying?"he said concerned. "I'm sorry for everything that I have done. We're here right now because I'm an idiot." I say. "I understand if you still want to leave."

"If I wanted to leave the in would have walked out the door a long time a ago."

I hit me. He loves me as much as I do. Why would he stay here with me the whole time if he didn't care?

"Hey ty?"
"Yeah josh?"
"Let's go home"


And this is when it ends. They go home and live a happy life together.
Everything of fine. Everything is good.

The end.

Welp. That just happened. Another shitty chapter. But it's the last. I honestly didn't really know what to do for this and I don't want to embarrass myself lol. It took so long to make this because I've had no motivation and writers block.

But I really hope you enjoyed it. I hope I didn't spell anything wrong. And yeah. Love you all sooooooo much ❤️and thanks for reading my shitty story that's kind of a mess. Buts it's my first one so hey.😂 alright,




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