Chapter Twenty Two

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An hour later, we were all in a familiar club that Zayn and Harry frequented. Illyria and Louis were making out and dancing on tables in their drunken states. Niall and Zayn were dancing in a large group of girls on the dance floor and spilling drinks on each other while Liam and Decklynn were in a small corner booth cuddling and kissing.

I was sitting at the bar waiting for Harry to return from the bathroom. I was sitting and surveying the room when I came across Harry. He was by the hall to the restrooms but was pushing a girl’s arms off of him. He was pushing her away with  a strange look on her face and pushed her off toward the bathrooms. He straightened up his shirt and walked up to me.

I looked at him questioningly, “A fan?”

He yelled over the music, “Oh, yes. Another fan!” his eyes shuffled as he dragged me out onto the dance floor.

We danced for awhile in a large pit of girls and envious men. By the time Illyria and I took a seat at the bar we were all covered in alcoholic substances.

“I’m soaking wet!” Illyria laughed and flipped her hair.

“Another drink please,” I turned to the bartender, “Two.”

As he left to get our drinks Illyria turned to me, “Who is she?”

She pointed toward the same girl who was again pushing herself on Harry by the bathroom.

“Some crazy fan,” I laughed as I accepted my drink.

“It looks like they know her,” Illyria pointed out.

She was trying to grab onto Harry and Zayn was pulling her off. She was in hysterical tears and seemed to refuse to leave.

“Maybe you should go down there,” I nudged her arm.

She nodded and headed down to the boys. I watched as she approached the group and escourted the girl to the back alley.

The boys seemed to be arguing about something, and then realized I would be watching and straightened out and separated. Harry walked up to me with a worried look.

“Are you okay?” I rubbed his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah. She just doesn’t want to give up,” he chuckled.

“Well, I’m going to go down to the restroom,” I smiled and stood up.

“Umm, maybe right now isn’t the best time. That girl doesn’t seem to give in. It’s probably not safe to go over there by yourself,” he grabbed my arm.

“Illyria has her out back,” I reassured him and walked away.

As soon as I was around the corner, I ran past the ladies room and ran out to the back alley. Illyria was pulling a few hundreds out of her purse and handing them to the hysterical girl.

“What are you doing?” I said curiously.

“Get out of here,” Illyria shoved the girl to the ground, “Break the agreement and you’re as good as gone,” she warned.

The girl pulled herself from the ground and ran out of the alley.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

Just as Illyria opened her mouth to speak, “Come on girls! We’re leaving,” Louis popped out of the door.

Illyria casted him a dark look and walked toward him. “Seriously, someone tell me what’s going on!” I yelled repeatedly until we were all in the van on the way back to our building.

“Nothing,” Harry patted  my hands.

“Bullshit,” I pulled away from him.

I looked to Illyria who was looking forward with a dark gaze.

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