Letter 10

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"Julie..." Nash whispers her, moving her arm so she can wake up.

He can't remember what happened last night. When he woke up, he thought he was dreaming, he had dream thousand of times about that moment, and the fact that he doesn't remember anything, makes him sick.

Julie puts her hands on her eyes and yawned, but immediately, she remembered what happened last night, so she, slowly, took off her hands from her face and the blue eyes was staring at her.

God, he's hot.

His brown hair was all over his face, his blue eyes had bags under them, and his mouth was a bit open.

Shall I say he had no shirt?

"Well..." Nash says. "What happened last night?" He asks.

Julie couldn't say a word, so She sited and look down, putting her hair behind her ear and to start telling him what happened.

Nash was listening everything she was saying, but there were times he couldn't hear a thing, because he was admiring her.

"And..., you kissed me" Julie says, shy and looking at him to see his expression.

Nash opened his mouth and then closed it again, he was angry with himself, he couldn't remember it, and he wanted to.

"I..." he spokes. "I have to go"

Nash get up from the bed, and grabbed his shirt, putting it on and looking at her, he wanted to tell her the truth, he wanted to tell her he was the one who's writing her letters, he wanted to tell her how much he loves her, but he couldn't, so he turned to the door to go out of her room but her voice stopped him.

"Wait..." Julie says looking his back. "Can you tell me your name?" She asks.

Nash didn't turn to see her, but he did tell her.

"Nash"  he responds and left.


"Dear Julie, i didn't know how to start, I'm such an idiot, i should've, I should've tell you. I can't stop thinking about you, and I guess I won't. See Julie, I love you, but love is a feeling we can experience, but never explain, like Solyaris said. And i can't keep writing you and seeing you with my feelings, acting like everything's okay, but I'm destroyed.  I just can't Julie, and I'm sorry, because you're the greatest person I've ever known, I'm sorry Julie, but this is going to be the last letter.
Sincerely yours,

Julie put her hand over her mouth, sitting on her bed with the cart on her other hand, she, somehow felt bad, without knowing Nash too much, tears were falling and thoughts were destroying her. That night, Julie just stayed resting on her bed, looking the ceiling, overthinking.

Letters to Julie // GrierWhere stories live. Discover now