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Sup peeps! Welcome to Doodle Central. Where we forget my other art book every existed!

Like. Seriously.

It never happened.
A list of the stuff I'm gonna be doing

My Oc's
AU's/Short stories with my OC's
Random shit
School doodles
Low quality art
Now, I'm newer to this whole thing, so I'm still not really sure what 'art trades' are and why most artists I see don't like to do them. But once I found out I'll let you all know if I'll do them or not.


I will ALWAYS be happy to do:

Random shit
Your OC's

I don't exactly have boundaries to my art. I'll draw anything to be honest. Just ask! However, school might slow my updates a bit but there's a high chance it won't. I'll update whenever I can.

A few fun facts about your beloved author:

• I'm left-handed..... Yup.

• High schooler

• I'm writing/drawing a book. So be prepared to see sneak peeks of that.

• My art style is literally ALWAYS changing. No consistency. Whatsoever.

• I'm getting a shit load of copic markers very soon so my art is gonna take a really PrOFFeSiOnAL turn.

• I support LGBT+ so yes! If you would like. I will draw that for you. If you're against it, well. That sucks bro. *sips tea*

• I'll draw an Oc or Oc's before suddenly switching to someone else. Idk why I do it. I just do. Because I'm InCOnSIsTAnT

• I aM A MeME

• Tea is my life source.

I think that's about it for now. I'll be posting art soon. Maybe later  today. Dunno yet. Still trying to get some things with this book done. (*cough* like a cover *cough* *wheeze*).

See ya next chapter my saucy napkins.

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