I got my glasses today

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Dominic Alejandro de la Cavallería y Sánchez

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Dominic Alejandro de la Cavallería y Sánchez

- He's Latino and Brazillian 

- 5'3 1/2

- The kiddo can sing and dance like a beast. A BEAST

-  He plays the guitar his dead dad gave him. Also a beast on it

- He has Claustrophobia real bad

- He's a busker(those people who perform on the sides of streets, pubs/clubs, train stations, etc for money in the hat)

- 102 family member under one roof

- 82 siblings

- He doesn't like avocados

- Snakes make him anxious 

- He laughs like a car that won't start or a spray bottle 

- He's funny asf

- Human lie detector

- Twinkies addict. They are the equivalent of a drug for this kid.

Idk that's all I got for right n ow.


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