Saved and Adopted by Sophiam:

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Violet's P-O-V:

"Wake up stupid bitch" my father hissed. I opened my eyes to see him standing on top of me. "Whatcha waiting for? Breakfast!" He said and pulled me by my hair.

I winced in pain. I realised I was on the floor and he was standing on top of me. I quickly stood up and ran down stairs. I started making breakfast for him and for myself. He came downstairs and sat on the couch with his beer.

Why did he hate me so much? I served him breakfast and went upstairs. I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower. I got out and looked at the bruise on my head, chin and eye. I used concealer to cover them up. I applied foundation and powder.

My skin was a good condition but I had a small scar and a couple of noticeable bruises. I applied mascara and lip balm. I put my hair up in a pony tail and got some clothes on.

I grabbed my iPhone that I had to purchase myself, well everything that was mine I had to purchase. I had to work at night and go to school during the day. Luckily school was nearly finished.

I went out of the house quietly and then went to the shopping centre. Sometimes I just like to go to look at all the clothes and imagine being rich.

I walked out of H&M and I noticed Sophia Smith and next to her Liam Payne. I squealed and run up to them. "Oh my gosh you're Liam Payne!" I squealed.

"Hello" he said and smiled. ''Can I h-have your autograph?" I asked. I absolutely loved him. And the rest of the band. He signed the back of my phone. "Thank you so much!" I said.

"I love your accent" Sophia said, "thanks". My accent was pure British. Very thick, like Harry Styles. "So are you a big fan?" Liam asked, I nodded.

"Have you got your whole room filled with posters?" Sophia chuckled. "No my dad doesn't allow me anything, actually I shouldn't really be here" I said sheepishly. "What about your mum?" Sophia asked quickly.

"Well my mum left when I was five and since then she never came back" I said as I remembered that time. Sophia looked at Liam and he looked down at me. "What happened to your cheek?" Liam asked feeling it. I winced at the pain.

"I-I uhm me dad pushed me, accidentally, and I cut my cheek with a broken vase" I lied. I didn't want to sound dramatic, I hate doing that. Sophia's head snapped towards Liam's direction. He looked at her worriedly.

"Y-you know why don't you come with us to McDonalds?" He asked. "McDonalds?!" I exclaimed. I've been there once or twice with my mum. "Woah why are you so excited?" Sophia asked.

"Because I'm going with my idol and his girlfriend and I-I don't really go to McDonalds" I said sheepishly, again. They looked at me weirdly and then at my wrist. "Oh my goodness you are so thin!" Sophia said.

She took me by the hand and dragged me into the car.


"Thank you so much for today! I better get going home" I said. "We'll take you" Liam smiled. "You don't have to-"

"Yes we do" said Sophia as we started walking. We talked about random things and Liam asked a lot of questions. He looked really worried. What if they think I'm a depressed, dramatic drama queen?

We got to my door and I turned on my heel. "Thank you so much again! It was so wonderful meeting you" I said giving each of them a hug.

They smiled, "you are welcome and it was wonderful meeting one of my fantastic fans" he said. I smiled and opened the door. I waved to them one last time and then walked in. I went into the living room to see me dad watching TV on the sofa with a bottle of beer.

"H-hi d-dad" I stuttered. He turned around and stood up. He started walking to me, glaring and smiling slyly. I took a step back and dropped my bag to the floor. I was about to make a run for the door.

Then I felt his knuckles on my eye. I dropped to the floor. He was on top of me. He kicked me and I curled up into a ball. I will definitely have a cut.

"WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE?!" He shouted. I felt his spit on my arm. I sobbed shaking my head. "HUH?!" He said drinking the last sip of his beer.

He held my hair with one hand and the other, he held his empty beer bottle. He lifted it up above his head. This is the moment. This is the moment I will die. Today is the day.

He was about to smash it on my head when it dropped and shattered to the floor. I looked up to see Liam punching my dad in the eye. Sophia ran up to me and hugged my close. She pulled apart and looked at my bruise and cut. She took hold of me and we went outside, me stumbling.

I heard Liam shout something and then I felt an arm around my waist and my shoulder. We got into a taxi and the taxi drove off. I was kind of unconscious. Why did they come?

Liam's P-O-V:

"Do you think her dad abuses her?" Sophia asked, worried. "I don't know, I think he does. She's such a sweet loving girl. I wish that when I have a daughter she will be just like her" I replied.

Sophia shook her head, "I think we should go back and talk to her dad" she said. I stopped for a minute. "I think so t-" I was cut of by a shout coming from her house door.

I looked at Sophia and we both started running back to the house. We opened the door and I made a run for the empty bottle of beer and her dad. What the fuck was he doing? Did he want to kill her?

I punched him and shouted at him. I kicked him again and then ran outside back to the girls. Fucking idiot, how could he do that to her?

I quickly jogged up to Violet and put my arm around her waist and one of my arms on her shoulder. Me and Sophia helped her into the taxi and told them to drive to our hotel.

She sat down in between me and Soph. She leaned against the seat and breathed out. "Are you OK? Do we need to go to hospital?" I asked her, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"No-no I don't want to no. T-they will call the police. I've already been there because of a him. I- I was in a coma for 5 months" she said as she sobbed. Sophia hugged her tight and she calmed her down.

If I see him ever again he's dead. So dead. Soph got a tissue and her water bottle out. Violets nose was bleeding and a cut on her forehead. It wasn't deep. It won't leave a scar, at least I hope so . She wet the tissue and dabbed her nose area.

"He never cared about you did he?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her head, "why didn't you tell us?" I asked. "I-I didn't want to sound like a depressed freak and I didn't want you knowing because you would probably think that I'm a dramatic, ugly and useless girl" she sobbed again.

"Stop saying that!" I said raising my voice. Sophia gave me a glare and hugged me. "I am. I am. I'm useless" she said as she hugged Sophia. He must've said that and banged it in her head.

"You're never going back there ever again" I said as I put my arm around her petit shoulder. She will be staying with us. "From now on I'm your guardian and so is Sophia" I said as I kissed her head.

She pulled away and shook her head. "No I can't do that. You've got work and a tour and I just can't no, I'm sorry. Excuse me could you stop the taxi" she said as she started unbuckling her seat belt.

"No continue driving please. No you are staying and I don't care you will be coming with us" I said grabbing her wrist. She winced and then quickly pulled it away and sat back down. That was weird?

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