Chapter Fourteen:

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Violet's P-O-V:

"So what about London College of Fashion?" Sophia asked, showing me her laptop. I continued flipping through my magazine. I kept on thinking about Harry and me. What if he will forget me and move on?

"Violet" Sophia cut me out of my thoughts. "Hm?" I asked looking at her. "I was saying, what about London College of Fashion? That's a really good university college. It's to do with fashion like you wanted" she smiled.

"Yeah, that's great" I smiled. She dropped the papers onto her lap. "Violet Louise Payne. What is going on with you? For two days you have been all dreamy and not paying attention. This is important right now" she sighed.

"Sorry Sophia. It's just I don't know. I mean I don't want to start like THE MOMENT I get to your and Liam's house" I breathed out. "You can join a month later if that helps you but no longer" she raised her eyebrows.

I hugged her and thanked her. "So is this the uni we are choosing?" She asked. I thought for a moment and then nodded. Yesterday I decided that I want to be a fashion designer.

I looked at the wall clock and quickly got up. "Where are you going? We've got papers to fill!" Sophia motioned the piles of papers. "We'll fill them in later!" I said putting my hoodie on.

I was wearing a white shirt with denim shorts and some Vans. "Teenagers" I heard Sophia sigh. "I heard that!" I shouted and left the room, chuckling.

I quickly got out of the hotel and walked over to the exit. I walked to the frozen yoghurt store and walked behind it. I saw a curly haired boy, with a beanie, on his phone. "Hi" I smiled. He locked his phone and put it in his pocket.

He pressed his lips onto mine for a little kiss and then pulled back, placing an arm around my waist. "What took you so long?" He asked. "I had to work out all the uni stuff" I waved him off. "Have you decided?" He asked.

I nodded as we walked into the frozen yoghurt to order our yoghurts. We started chatting until a phone call broke our conversation. I took my new iPhone out and pressed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said. "Hi babe, it's me Sophia. Liam wants you at out hotel room now to fill the papers in because later he's busy" she said calmly. "But like now?" I whined. "Yes now. Bye love" she said and hung up.

I groaned and slid the phone back into my pocket. "I have to go. We can finish the date later" I sighed. "But I've got a concert" Harry licked his lips. I couldn't of been the only one that thought that was the sexiest thing ever.

"Meet me at the Hotel Gardens at 12 sharp" I smirked and kissed his cheek. I got up and started walking back to the hotel.


"Ugh this is so frustrating!" I fell back on the bed and groaned. "Careful! You'll crumple the papers" Liam said helping me to sit back again. Then a knock came to the door.

"Could this be the knight on a white horse saving me from this boredom?" I over exaggerated. Liam laughed as the door opened and Paul came in. Sophia burst out laughing.

"It's time to go Liam" he smiled. Liam nodded and I squeaked. He turned around. "Can I go with you? I always wanted to go to your concert!" I begged. Sophia nodded and so did Liam.

"YAYYY!" I squealed jumping up and running up to Liam. Liam chuckled and shook his head. We got out of the hotel and got into the bus. I sat down in between Sophia and Liam.

Harry got in and a huge cute smile grew on his face. "I promised I would come" I mouthed. He grinned as he sat opposite me. It took us around 10 minutes to get to the stadium.

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