A Hit In Love- JosukexRohan

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AU- human

Summary- One peaceful day Rohan was going to get some coffee after working on his manga. Though he does run into trouble. He's attacked and hurt. But when he wakes up he's home. And Josuke is there, why is he here? And why does Rohan feel so hot?


A beautiful, sunny day was perfect for the greatest mangaka artist to spend his day outside. Even though he would rather be in his house, secluded from the outside world in darkness. But after three days of being in his work room he found that he needed inspiration.

Birds chirping in the distance as he sat on a park bench focusing on his sketches. A honey glazed cracker in between his thin lips as he sketched. He sighed and leaned back, placing his pen down and ate the cracker properly. He placed the sketchbook to his side and bent over to pick up his coffee. He groaned in frustration when the cup was empty. He stood up and gathered his things. Empty cup in one hand and his sketchbook over his shoulder with the leather strap it came with for easy transportation.

He left the park swiftly, slightly speed walking to seem more important and busy.

As he walked he tried to focus on his manga but something stopped him. He didn't pause when he felt someone following him. He smirked as she continued his passes. The one who was following him was stupid. If he tried anything he would use Heaven's Door and make the mysteries person wish he never picked the Great Rohan Kishibe as his target.

Rohan soon made it to the coffee shop he originally bought his previous cup from. He huffed proudly when he noticed the mysteries person stopped following him. Though when he walked into the shop he gasped when he was hit with something. What ever it was it was freezing. Rohan immutably dropped to the floor and held his stomach when he was hit. He opened his mouth in a silent cry and his eyes widened when the cold feeling started to get hotter and hotter.

Before he could say his stands name his mouth was wrapped quickly by some sort of ivy and he was roughly thrown on the ground. He groaned out as his face hit the tiled floor. He felt blood start to flow down the side of his head when he hit the floor. He glared up through blurry eyes when he heard foot steps. He tried to use his hands but the moment he moved he felt something grab both of his wrists. The rough texture dug into his uncovered wrists enough to make them bleed. Rohan gasped and felt tears start to gather from the pain. He took a deep breath, he refused to cry in front of his attacker.

"You poor thing." His attacker said in a rough voice. Rohan tried to recall that voice but he was coming up with nothing.

Rohan gasped sharply when the thing around his wrists tightened and dug in further. Causing more blood to flow down his thin wrists and onto the floor. Rohan tightly closed his eyes and felt unwanted tears fall down his cheek as his wrists burned from the pain and his stomach felt like it was on fire.

"Mm...!" Rohan tried to say but the thing around his mouth prevented him from doing so. He gasped when he felt himself be lifted up from the floor. His wrists were lifted up and he weakly stood. Blood flowing down his arms from his wounded wrists and from the wound on the side of his head.

"Can't you use your stand?" The attacked said in a mocking tone as he walked up to Rohan. He grabbed Rohan by his green hair and roughly pulled his face up.

Rohan felt dizzy, his head was spinning do to the pain and loss of blood, he felt his eyes slowly close and he tried to fight it but found that he couldn't.

But before he passed out he heard a voice yell out.


Rohan blinked awake a few hours later. He was laying in large bed on his back.

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