Part 24

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Sanskar brings ragini to her home ragini accepts to marry him.
All gets happy…

Ap:- so lets doo them marriage in this week….
Ragini and sanskar feels shy..
Ragini , sanskar , swara , laksh meets out side at a coffee shop..

Swara:- wow i am so excited….
Shopping and haldi mehndi and shadi wow..
All smiles seeing her excitement
Like a small kid …
All goes for shopping and comes back.
Laksh is dropping swara..
Another side sansksr is dropping ragini….
Sanskar keep on talking on random things and sees that he is not getting response from ragini side so he turns his head and sees ragini is sleeping with a cute smile..
Sanskar too smiles and thinks that
May be she tired a lot…
He stops his car infront of her house and opens her house door first and switches on light and goes back to bring ragini.
He lifts her in his arms brings her to her bed and covers her with blanket..
Sits next to her and cares her hair.

Sanskar:- i love you ragini…
Kisses her fore head and leaves from their….
Next day its mehndi..
Ragini is dressed in beautifull pink Cream lehnga..
Sanskar holds ragini hand and watchez her..
While all watches sanskar eargerly.

Dcp:- wat sanskar u were taking so much time..
U were marrying a girl who is master mind in finding clues…
And u were unable to fing your own name yar..
All laughs..

Ragini:- may i help u sir.
Sanskar looks up and says no thank u for offer but i did it.

Ragini:- wat u did it.

Sanskar:- i found my name and shows to all..
All claps while ragini and sanskar looks at each other smiles…….

Next day its haldi..

First all applies haldi to sanskar…
Laksh comes to take shagun haldi and sanskar takes him aside and handles a letter to laksh and asks her to give that to ragini.

Laksh:- why.

Sanskar:- why means give it yar..

Laksh:- wat for me.

Sanskar:- do u want a safe relationship with swara or not.
If you want means give it..if you dont want then your wish..

Laksh:- my jijju is not at all good i will tell to my dii and takes letter from his hand and goes from their with shagun.
Laksh reaches home after completing all rituals laksh goes to ragini room..
Ragini is resting..

Laksh knocks door and goes inside and says wat ever happen and complains to ragini about sanskar….

Ragini laughs loudly and says i will take action on him ok..

Laksh nodes his head and goes from their..

Ragini opens letter and sees it as written
I love you and few hours to go to make you completely mine..

Ragini smiles and sends msg to him as
I love u too and waiting for that moments when i become yours completly..
Sanskar reads it and sends a smily face..

Next days..

Whole house and mandap is decorated with flowers and lights..

Pandit wedding chantings and hearing …

pandit:- bring the bride…

Sanskar lisens foot steps and turns his head and sees ragini dressed in beautifull red mix golden lehnga and gets mesmerised..

Swara slowly moves towards him and shuts his mouth and says ..

Swara:- control bhai after all whole night is your..and laughs

Sanskar:- immediatedly closes his mouth and gets shy with embrassement.
They makes ragini sit next to sanskar..
Both see at each other…

They took 7 pheras and when it comes to kanya dhayan.

Ragini gets teardy eye..
And cries silently remembering her father..

Sanskar observes it and holds her hand tightly and signals with his eyez…..

Laksh dad keeps hand on her head and says may be i am not your biological dad but i am your god gifted dad.
Laksh comes hugs her from back and says .
Laksh:- i hate tears in my friend eyes and wipes it…

Marry soon or else he will become more restless and point towards sanskar..
Ragini laughs…

Sanskar smiles by seeing her happy and thanks to laksh threw eyes….

Finally rituals continues..

Sanskar fills ragini mang and makes her wear…mangalsutra…

And both looks at eachother and smiles.
Pandit declares them as wife and husband.

They both stood up and took blessing from all..

Ragini entres into sanskar house along with him.
They sits with all family members
For ring cermony…

Sanskar and ragini both starts searching for ring and finally ragini lifts the ring ..
Ragini is waiting on decorated bed with veil on her face..

Sanskar come to her room closes door and locks it…
He moves close to her and sits with her..
He holds her hand and clutches it.
Ragini starts shivering.

He moves more close to her and removes veil and see her face lovingly by cuping her face…

Sanskar:- i love you ragini.
I waited for this moment alot.
He moves towards her and kisses her fore head and then her eyes..
He goes towards her cheecks and kisses her..
Ragini closes her eyes and says i love you sanskar..

Sanskar looks at her and says i love you too and kisses her lipss..

Soon she allows him to kiss her deeply….
He too kisses her deeply soon he slowly removes her jewellary and then both clothes..

He slowly makes her lay on bed and he too lays on her ….
Slowly light goes dim and they both consumate their marriage..

After few 7 years…

Ragini is running back of a kid who is running with her police stick and wearing police dress..

Sanskar is sitting on sofa and laughs seeing at her condition and having a 2 years old girl in her hand..

Ragini:- sanskar stop laughing and help me in catching him.
Both runs after him and finally catches her and gives dress and stick back to ragini..

Four of them laughs..
And screen freezes on their happy faces…

End of prem deewana….

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