In Case

902 60 21

Mina Myoui.

I was in love with Mina Myoui.

No, wait, scratch that. I am still in love with Mina Myoui. Now that she's gone, she's left me, I don't know what to do about it. It's driving me mad.

I messed up. So bad.

I can't believe that I had her in my arms and all I did was to take her for granted.

But I guess that's how it works, doesn't it?

I was so stupid not to realize sooner, that I'm in love with her.

I guess I deserve this.

But I miss her. I miss everything about her.

The way she speaks, she laughs like all the bad things in the world suddenly have just gone.

Every curve of her face I still remember. No matter how hard I try to forget, I can still remember.

Everything about her is so pure and I am a fool for not seeing that.


Another night, alone. In this crappy apartment. It's been weeks and I still can't get over her. Every minute, every second all I can think about is her. What she's doing, has she eaten yet? Just flashes of her face and it hurts because no matter what I do, I'm going back to this place, without her in it.

I took out all the things in my pocket, put my keys on the side table in my living room, my wallet in the drawers beside my bed, and when I checked my phone there were no new messages. No more someone checking in on me.

I almost created a new SMS to check in on her as a habit but luckily I realized what I was doing before I did.

I checked the pockets of my jacket and there was a picture I can barely recognize but I know that it's a picture of her.

I turned to the kitchen to throw it but the second I opened the trash, I saw her smile. Oh God, that smile. I felt as if someone just threw me a bucket of ice just by seeing it.

Instead of throwing it, I made my way to the bathroom and stuck the picture to the side of the mirror.

I looked at it for the longest second before finally removing my jacket and went back to the kitchen and grab something to eat.

As soon as I opened the damned fridge, I saw a slice of cake she left. I still remember when she put that in there because she was so full and she'd just it later. I guess that later never did come around.

It's been weeks and I know that throwing it out was the best idea but I just can't bring myself to do it. I know it's stupid but throwing that out means I'm ready to let her go, I'm not ready to let her go.

I know I'm gonna just laugh about this someday but for now, I'm just not ready. I'll keep everything, just in case.

I grabbed a beer instead of eating dinner because I thought it was the most sensible thing to do and I'm not that hungry anyway. Maybe it'll help me forget her. Even just for the moment when the liquid hit the back of my throat.

After drinking one to many bottles of beer, I felt my head slightly spinning so I decided to just go to bed.

Walking by, I saw the teddy bear I gave her, hanging loosely on the railing of the stairs, dusty, obviously not have been touched since she left.

I unconsciously took it with me as I laid myself to sleep. I guess I just don't want to see it go to waste.

It even smells like her.

In Case [wonwoo x mina]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ