spin the boomerang round one

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Sokka-  I got it! He pulls out his boomerang. Suki-  what are we suppose to do with this. Katara- oh no if you are thinking what I thinking no way with my luck I would have to kiss every guy here including you so no. Aang - what are you guys talking about? Sokka - spin the boomerang you spin it and who ever it lands on you have to kiss. Zuko- no! Katara - for once I agree with Zuko no. Toph-  I am in. Aang - nope I don't like it. Sokka - 3 to 2 help me out. Suki- I think it could be fun. Haru - me too. Teo- yeah. Toduke-  ok. Sokka - your out voted you guys in? Aang - only if Katara and Zuko play. Zuko- fine but this is a bad idea. Katara-  ok but only because every else is I still don't like it. Sokka-  ok lets play. Zuko- bad odds there are only 3 girls and one is your sister and one is your girlfriend and the other is a tomboy who could kill you. Sokka spins the boomerang and it lands on Suki. They kiss. Sokka- luck is on my side your turn sister.Katara spin the boomerang and it slows down almost on Aang then moves to Zuko next to Aang. Katara-  not doing it. Aang smiles. Zuko glares at her .Sokka- you have to you agreed to play. Katara-  but not to kiss Zuko. Toph- oh you know you want to you stare at him shirtless all the time. Katara- I watch while he trains Aang so what i am not staring at him. Toph-  oh so you where staring at Aang shirtless then. Katara blushes then say- no plus I have seen Aang shirtless plenty of times its no big deal. Toph-  I can tell your lying. Katara-  I am not kissing Zuko! Zuko-  oh like I want to kiss the girl who threaten to kill me! Katara-  maybe I had a good reason too! Aang- Katara just do it so everyone will shut up I don't like it or all this fighting but if getting it over with will keep the peace the just do it. Katara-  fine. Katara kisses Zuko in what was actually not such a bad kiss. Sokka-  ok now its your turn aang.  Aang-  you need too shave. Everyone except Haru laughs. Haru- respect the stash. He then spins the boomerang and it lands on Katara. They kiss while Aang pouts. Katara - you do need to shave. Everyone except Haru laughs. Haru- mustaches are cool! Katara- no they are not. Toduke spins the boomerang and it lands on Toph.  They kiss longer than anyone else than part out of breath. Katara-  Toph has a boyfriend. Toph- shut it sugerqueen! Teo spins and it lands on toph. They kiss. Suki wow twice in a row you are popular. Toph - meh. Suki spins the boomerang and it lands on Aang. Sokka and Katara - what! no! Suki- relax its just a game. Zuko- plus it was your idea Sokka and why are you upset Katara? Katara-  who said I was upset I am not I don't care at all I was only looking out for Aang.  Toph- why he is the avatar and its just a kiss it won't hurt him. Aang and Suki kiss. Sokka growls while Katara looks away. Aang sits back down. Aang- Katara. Katara- mmpphh. She folds her arms and raise her head while turning her back and flicking her hair. Aang ducks his head. Aang sarcastically  - perfect. Zuko spins the boomerang and it lands on Katara. He looks nervous. Katara looked briefly at Aang before marching over to Zuko and giving him a long passionate kiss. Aang glares at them if looks could kill they both would be dead. Katara- this changes nothing. Zuko- of course not. Aang looks at Katara with a look of shock, hurt, and betrayal. Katara-  what? Aang- nothing. Toph spins the boomerang and it lands on Sokka. She gives him a kiss to rival the one between Katara and Zuko just a few moments ago. Suki- hey stop that enough! Zuko- told you this was a bad idea. Haru-  another round?

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