Chapter One:

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"Look at me, I get to work with Brad Pitt, woo hoo." Said Vince, sitting on our bed drinking Jack Daniels right out of the bottle. I was getting ready to leave to go to work and he wouldn't let it go that I landed a role in a major movie. 

"Maybe if you contacted your manager and stopped drinking so much, you'd get your acting career back on track. Not my problem you developed a drinking habit." I rolled my eyes at him, and he threw the now empty bottle at the wall near my head. I ducked, screaming. 

"Pussy bitch." he whispered under his breath. I watched him walk out of the bedroom to head downstairs to grab yet another bottle of booze. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door, not ready for the fight he was going to pick. I sped off to the airport, ready to get my mind off of my alcoholic boyfriend. 

Then I felt my phone vibrate with a text message:

forgot your suitcase. not sure how yer more famous then me. 

I rolled my eyes at all of his grammar mistakes and turned around to go back home. I would be staying in Canada during this movie since it was more green and actually beautiful up there. Which in turn, I needed my damn suitcase. Good thing I wasn't too far from home. 

I ran inside and grabbed my bag from the bedroom. I noticed Vince was passed out on the couch with Maury playing on the TV. Must be nice. 

I pulled in and did what I needed to do at the airport and made it to my gate. There, I saw another really famous actor, Michael Taylor. I sat down next to him and introduced myself.

"Jaclyn Miller, nice to meet you." 

"Michael Taylor, and like wise." he smiled at me. 

Wow, he's really attractive. I thought to myself then pushed that thought out of my head because A. I have a boyfriend and B. pretty sure I saw on TMZ that Mr. Taylor here was engaged to Kendra Marcus. 

Bummer. Wouldn't be too hard to kick Vince out. 

"Are you excited to fly to Canada?" I asked.

"No, not really. I've been to Canada several times throughout my career and I've just grown tired of it." we both laughed. 

"Want to know what I just noticed?" I asked him.

"What was that, my good friend?"

"We're in a movie about strangers on a plane that crashes and they have to survive together, and we're getting on a plane to get to the movie set." I tried not to giggle.

"Oh my, that is true. Well if we do crash I'm glad you're with us, you seem to be pretty smart." he winked. I looked down trying not to let him see me blush.


We board the plane and I sit next to my new friend, and the whole way there we watched movies and critiqued their acting.

"I don't think I'm that critical!" claimed Michael. "It's just that I'm better at this than these people, they're just too cheesy." 

"Oh really, think you could do better?" I laughed.

"Yes! And so do my five Oscars!" 

I busted up laughing and for a few hours, I totally forgot about Vince and the bottle he threw at my head. 


We landed in Canada four hours later and boy was I exhausted. We headed to our hotel and sure enough, Michael's room was right next to mine. I noticed he didn't have a ring on his finger as he helped me with my bags in the elevator. So, me being nosy, asked him about Kendra. 

"Are you and Kendra still together?"

He hesitated, and I saw frustration and hurt come across his face.

"Yes, and no. I'm not really sure how to describe our situation and I'm not sure I'm ready to at the moment. I'm sorry." He then got off the elevator and walked to his room, and didn't say another word to me.

Wow, Jaclyn, you dick. 


The next day of filming was fun. I had to fall in a river and pretend to drown. Michael's character had to come save me and then we had to report to Brad Pitt's character that I almost died and didn't catch any fish for us to eat. 

"You look ridiculous." laughed Michael once we were done for the day. I was wet and muddy. 

"At least my character lives till the end of the movie." I stuck my tongue out at him. 

He then pushed me back into the river. 

We later went back to our hotel rooms, cleaned up, and went out to eat. I decided to wear a simple black maxi dress with red flats. Simple, cute, classy. 

I curled my long blonde hair and was out the door. 

And guess who was waiting to escort me down to the cab? Michael.

I again, tried to hide the fact that I was blushing. 

"Are you blushing, Ms. Miller?" he winked. 

"No, you're seeing things." I smiled. 

We made it down to the lobby and guess who was there waiting for us?

Fucking paparazzi. 

Guess who watches TMZ and ET like their life depended on it? 


Guess who had his arm protectively around me, trying to keep the cameras away from me?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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