Chapter 12: Finale

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"Kasey, are you sure that the salad is enough?" Matthew asked Kasey as he spiced the meat.

"Actually no. With the way those people eat I think that the food will never be enough." Kasey laughed as he put his arms around his boyfriend. They were cooking the food for Fredrick's birthday barbeque.

Rick's parents were out of town and his sister was having her boyfriend and a couple of other people over at their house. So Matthew and Kasey suggested a birthday barbeque and volunteered to have it at Matthew's dad's guest house. They were going to invite some people from school and the island. The only person who could make from the island was Fang and his new girlfriend.

"I really feel sorry for Fang." Kasey said suddenly. Matthew stopped what he was doing and turned around to hug Kasey.

"Well I don't."

"You don't?"

"No. Now he has someone who is worth his time." Matthew said kissing Kasey on his nose.

"I'm not sure if you are still talking about Fang." Kasey said smiling up at Matthew.

"It doesn't matter."


"Happy Birthday!" Rick's friends screamed into the camera Shelly and Marisa were making them take a picture in order to remember the day.

"Food is served!" Matthew shouted over the talking and music. People started to get their share of food before it was all finished. Matthew took two plates of and put them aside for Fang who was going to be late.

When Fang finally arrived everybody had moved on to eating snacks, dancing, playing games and swimming.

"Kasey, Matthew hey!" Fang walked out of the house to the back yard. Kasey ran to go and hug Fang and his girlfriend, Megan.

"Hey Fang. Haven't seen you in forever." Matthew walked over to the couple. He shook hands with Fang and hugged Megan. "Megan don't you look lovely."

"Aren't you the master of flattery." Kasey bumped hips with Matthew. Matthew put his arm around Kasey's shoulders.

Kasey and Megan went to join the rest of the party while Fang and Matthew sat talking.

"Have you talked to Carol lately?" Matthew asked Fang as he poured the latter a drink.

"Not really. Ice say that she is doing okay and that she managed to find a dragon. They get along well."

"Saying it like that makes you sound a bit bitter." Matthew laughed a little.

"No I'm happy with Megan. And I'm happy for her."

"How have you been anyway? Does Megan know about the dragon stuff?"

"Yeah she does. It turns out she already knew about the supernatural before she met me. I just seem to be extremely lucky to have met her."

"And she was probably lucky to meet someone that makes her hallucinations real."

"You know that just because Carol has a dragon doesn't mean that she has stopped sleeping around, right?"

"I figured. She has been calling me more often."

"Well, she is persistent. How is it going with Kasey?" Matthew looked out to the pool where Kasey was having fun with Mac. He smiled when he thought about how that sixteen year old buddle of crazy was all his.

"It's perfect. He's perfect." Matthew turned to Fang. "He makes me feel as if what I did to him with Carol should never be forgiven."



"You are seriously in love." Fang laughed.

"Shut up, you ass." Matthew threw a rolled up serviette at Fang and walked to where boyfriend was having fun. He grabbed Kasey and threw both of them in the pool. When they came up for air, Kasey smiled up at Matthew. Kasey waved for Matthew to bend down a little and when he did Kasey quickly kissed him on the lips and hid his face in Matthew's chest. Kasey mumbled something to Matthew.

"What? I didn't hear you." Matthew bent down a little more to hear what Kasey said.

"I love you." Kasey said looking into Matthew's eyes. He never noticed how they seemed to be red and blue at the same time. Matthew held Kasey face in his hands and while drowning out the encouragement that was coming from his friends around him, he kissed Kasey deeply.

"I love you too."


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