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Dear diary,
It's me again,
yeah, this bitch, Alaska. It's about 5.50am on Tuesday, September 2nd, and day one of my last year in hell is over. And surprisingly, it went okay. I'm still in the same room, which is good. Even if my roommates have been acting off ever since they started hooking up, it's nice to have the room that's not only the biggest, but also the furthest away from Miss Michaels' room. This means that we can do pretty much anything in there and she won't hear us at all. That's why Courtney decided to have a 'get together', as she called it, in there last night. Everyone went back to their dorms a few hours ago, but the room still looks a mess, and I still can't sleep. On nights like these, when I just can't get to sleep, I'm almost jealous of Jinkx. Speaking of her, I'm pretty sure she has a thing for Ivy Winters (her roommate). I think everyone else was probably too drunk to notice, but when we played spin the bottle and she had to kiss her... I saw that look in her eye. I'm just worried for her that Ivy doesn't feel the same way, I mean Jinkx is one of my closest friends and I don't want her to get hurt. She's kind of a badass, though, so I'm sure she can handle herself fine. If they do ever get together, though, I'm totally jealous of the fact that they're roommates. Back when me and Sharon were still together... I guess we were lucky if we could get 10 minutes in a room alone together before lights out. Not that Sharon matters anymore, obviously. There's another reason why today hasn't been too shitty: I haven't even seen Sharon here. Apparently she's in school, according to Manila Luzon who told me she saw her outside the library, but I guess I've been lucky enough to not cross paths with her yet this year. Oh well, there's still the whole rest of the school year for me to catch a glimpse of her and have a mental breakdown.

I should probably try to sleep now, cause there's only an hour until my alarm is set to go off. I guess if I'm really tired I could say I'm sick and spend all day sleeping in the sick bay?


Alaska xoxo

Sharon P.O.V.

Oh fuck. I groan and turn over to turn off my alarm clock, fumbling to find the right button. I always hated the annoying little beeping noise it made, and considering I'm already sleep deprived and in a bad mood, this morning I only hate it even more. Once I manage to find the button to turn my alarm clock off, the annoying noise stops but the sunlight carries on gleaming though my window and into my eyes, and I know that if I don't get up now, Miss Michaels is going to come and get me out of bed anyways. Hooray for boarding school. I can hear movement in the next room, so I slowly start to push myself out of bed, shivering a little in the morning chill that comes with having no working heating in this room. Across from my bed is a floor length mirror, and as I stand up I catch my reflection: an average-looking girl with messy black hair, weirdly pale skin and grim bags under my eyes. I look closely and I can see my blonde roots starting to show through my hair. What I'm wearing is nothing special, either. Just an old band shirt and an old pair of shorts riddled with weird holes and rips. It's still more comfortable than the uniform I'm about to change into, though, although I think anything is more comfortable than that shit. I hear a knock on the door, and A voice call out, "Sharon, time to get up."

"I'm already up, Miss Michaels..." I reply, and I hear footsteps as she walks down to the next room. I sit back down on my, yawning, before reaching down and picking up my school skirt and sweater from where I left them strewn on the floor last night. One of the benefits of not having to share a room is having one less person trying to make you keep it tidy. I open a drawer and take out a clean shirt, and start reluctantly changing into my uniform. In front of the mirror again, I start putting on my make up, which used to take me forever but since joining the school I've managed to condense into about 15 minutes, give or take.

Once I've applied the final eyeliner stroke, I brush my hair and stand up again, smoothing down my skirt and grabbing my school bag from the floor next to my bed. I quickly check that everything I need is still in there. Pencil case, emergency makeup, phone, notebooks, hidden packet of cigarettes.

Sliding my black pumps on, I push open my door and walk out into the hallway. I start to walk towards the stairs, heading down to the cafeteria for breakfast, but before I can reach the stairs, I turn a corner and someone comes running straight into me, almost knocking me off my feet. At first, all I see is a blur of blonde hair and blue uniform, but when the girl stops and starts to apologise, I realise that I've just walked into the one person I'm really trying to avoid. Alaska realises tis too, and stops talking, shuffles her feet awkwardly and looks down. "Sorry. See you around." She mumbles, and carries on walking past me. As I watch her walk away, I wish I could call after her, say something. I wish I could explain why I did what I did, but knowing me I would just end up hurting her even more. Sharon, you're a fucking idiot. I think to myself as I slowly carry on walking towards the stairs, feeling a whole lot worse than I had before I saw Alaska.

Adore P.O.V.

This morning I'm sitting at a breakfast table with Courtney, her roommates: Willam and Alaska, and the two red-headed girls, Jinkx and Ivy, who I'd seen outside the school on my first morning, and I had been introduced to at the party last night. We're all tired, and hungover, Laganja so much so that she'd decided to go to the sick bay rather than come eat breakfast with us all. Alaska looks especially tired, too, and I've seen her almost fall asleep in her bowl of cereal at least three times in the past 10 minutes.

"You okay?" I lean across Willam to ask, as Alaska nearly dozes off again. I wonder if she's the narcoleptic girl, but I thought I remembered Courtney telling me that was Jinkx.

"Huh?" Alaska snaps her head up. "Oh, right.. yeah, just didn't get much sleep last night. I was thinking about-" She trails off, and Courtney puts an arm around her sympathetically. I look around the cafeteria, and wonder who it could have been she was thinking about. It seems everyone else understands what Alaska was thinking about, as the whole table gives her pitying looks, and one of the red-headed girls, Jinkx, I think, places her hand on Alaska's, saying "Y'know what, 'Lasky? You'll forget her in no time. And I find alcohol helps." She grins, and Alaska gives a small smile of her own.

"Although," Ivy, the girl next to Jinkx butts in, "You could always just hook up with other people. Y'know, get back out there! I mean, we go to all-girls boarding school, do you know how many desperate, horny girls there'll be here by the end of the term?"

"Amen." Willam grins, folding her arms and leaning back on the bench.

"Shit!" Alaska suddenly hisses, dropping her bag on the floor.

"What?" Courtney turns back to her.

"Ugh, nothing... I just forgot my chemistry folder... And I'm in a chemistry class with Roxxxy and Detox and you know they'll take any excuse to take the piss if I get in trouble with Miss Hides." She picks her bag up again, and starts to get up. "It's okay, though. I'll just go get it. Be right back!" Alaska stands up and walks out of the open double doors into the hallway, passing Katya and Trixie, two other girls from the party, on the way out. Katya, the taller one, sees us and pulls Trixie over to our table.

"Hey!" She smiles, sitting down next to Ivy while Trixie sits down opposite her, where Alaska was sitting a moment ago. "How late are we?" Katya looks up at the clock on the stained cafeteria wall, and sighs. "Trixie was taking forever to do her hair, and seeing as her roommate had already ditched her to go to breakfast with Violet, and because I'm such a good friend, I insisted on waiting for her." She looks at Trixie pointedly.

"I told you to go without me..." Trixie replies, raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, I'm not hungry, just hungover."

Everyone around the table nods in agreement, and Katya adds, "Yeah, I don't really want breakfast either." Even though I could swear I just heard her stomach rumble from over here. Maybe she's just trying to make Trixie feel better about making her late for breakfast, which is super cute, I guess.

The bell rings, and I take my timetable out, checking what lessons I have today. First lesson: maths, then music, and then third period... English. I get butterflies, then feel stupid. You heard Miss Bianca, she's just your teacher, nothing more. Still, 55 minutes of just looking at a hot teacher who probably at some point during the summer thought I was hot too is kinda thrilling.

"You coming?" I hear Courtney ask me, and then I realise that everyone else has already stood up.

"Oh, right." I laugh nervously, quickly getting up and grabbing my bag. Stop thinking about her, Delano... Nothing else is gonna happen between you.

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