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Sharon P.O.V

Another day over, and another day of catching glimpses of Alaska through classroom doors and around corners... I need to stop obsessing over her, I know. I don't even like her anymore, after all I was the one who broke up with her. She's a bitch, and I know it. We would never have worked out, and if she really thinks that we could have then she's delusional. Still, she's really hot. Part of me wishes we'd never dated, because before you actually get into her personality she's really attractive. She would have been a nice one night stand, but a relationship was just way too much. I wonder, for the hundredth time, if this is how I really feel or if I'm just trying to justify breaking up with the girl who I thought was the love of my life. She really cared about you, Sharon. I tell myself that for the hundredth time, as well, and for the hundredth time a pang of guilt rushes through me. What if I made the wrong decision?  Look, I don't have time to worry about Alaska right now. I have double chemistry and it's right across the other side of the school and I really don't feel like being late for the fourth time this semester. I hurriedly pick up my books and out falls... a photo of Alaska from last Spring break. She's wearing a black bikini and round sunglasses and her blonde hair lays in beauty waves over her shoulders and holy shit, she's hot. I sigh and slide the photo into my pocket. I forgot that was still in my planner. I reach down to pick it up and my hand hovers over the trash can for a minute before I slide it back into my planner. I can't bring myself to throw out that photo, it was such a good day, and Alaska does look really good in it. I sigh, shaking my head in attempt to rid it of thoughts of my ex girlfriend, and push open my door. I take one step through before I'm stopped by coming face-to-face with Miss Michaels.

"Oh, hi Miss Michaels.." I say, taking a step back into my room.

"Sharon, hi." She smiles warmly. "I was just about to knock actually, can I have a word?" Seeing the concerned look on my face she laughs, "You're not in trouble or anything, don't worry!"

"Uh, sure." I fold my arms tentatively.

"Well," She begins, "As you know, you are the only student in this hall who doesn't have a roommate, so it makes sense that seeing as you are living alone in a two person room, I would come to you about this. There's a new student joining after Christmas, and she's going to be in this hall, and-"

I know what she's going to say before it leaves her lips. "So she's gonna be my new roommate?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, exactly." Miss Michaels nods. "And don't give me that look, Miss Needles. The only reason you don't have a roommate is because Alaska, Courtney and William wanted to be in the triple room, and now we have an odd number you can have a roommate, just like everyone else. Besides, you might actually get on with her, you never know."

"Okay." I say, defeated. "I'll tidy away my voodoo equipment by Christmas, then."

"I really hope you're joking." Miss Michaels shakes her head, and turns to walk away. "By the way," She turns back to face me, "Her name is Phi Phi. Phi Phi O'Hara."

Raja P.O.V.

I walk in to my room on Sunday evening to see someone already sitting in there, her bags piled up on the bed opposite mine. When she sees me, she stands up and walks over.

"Hi." She raises an arched eyebrow. "I'm Raven."

"Raja." I reply, taking in her appearance. She looks about the same height as Manila, but her short skirt can't help but draw my eyes to her skinny, bronzed legs, and the rest of her body isn't bad, either. She's wearing a lot of makeup, with thick, black eyeliner and a matte nude lip that suits her pretty well, as well as an extreme amount of highlight on each cheekbone. Her long caramel tone hair falls around her shoulders in beachy waves, and it's been tucked behind one of her ears to show a gold hoop earring. She looks pretty. Hot, even. Obviously nothing on Manila, I tell myself, but not a bad thing to see every morning when I wake up. She sits back down, smoothing out her skirt. "So, uh, I took this bed. Seeing as the other one looks... lived in." She looks over at my unmade bed and I cringe.

"Uh, yeah, that's fine. So, have you met Miss Edwards yet? She's our boarding housemistress."

"Uh, southern, big hair, tongue pops a lot?" Raven asks and I nod. "Yeah," she says, "she showed me up here, actually."

"What a character, am I right?" Raven grins in agreement. "Have you met any other students yet?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah." Raven replies. "I met, uh, Morgan. Morgan McMichaels, and a girl called Juju.. something, and Tatianna. No offence if you're friends with her or anything, but she seemed kinda bitchy to me... The others were alright, though."

"Don't worry, I don't really know Tatianna. There are some other people in our boarding house you gotta meet, though. Okay, so basically, me, and my girlfriend, Manila, and Carmen Carerra and Delta Work in room 63, we're the Heathers, and they're basically my best friends and the coolest people in the dorm so you gotta meet them, and then there's Alexis and Yara in room 59, and I guess Stacey is worth introducing, and... sorry..." I trail off, realising that Raven has literally no clue who these people are.

"It's fine, girl. I need to meet some people here anyways."

"Well, you've met me, now." I smile.

"I have." She smiles back.

"So, uh, what do you like doing?" I ask, turning to finally make my bed.

"I don't know, fashion, I guess?" Raven suddenly giggles, as if she's thought of something. "And, uh, since I was a kid, I've played this game when I'm bored in public places. And, basically I look at random people's outfits and judge them, and if I like them I give them a toot, and if I hate it it's a boot. It's dumb, I know, but I love fashion and I love being a judgemental bitch so I guess it's perfect for me.."

I smile. "Sounds fun. Although there's not really a whole lot you can toot and boot here seeing as we all have to wear uniform."

"What are you talking about?" She exclaims. "You can totally still judge the way people accessorise, their shoes, hair, makeup! For example, when I came to look around the school last year I saw a girl wearing blonde ponytails, a pastel pink jacket and actual platform gogo boots with her uniform! I totally gave that look a toot, I'll tell you that for nothing."

"I guess you're right." I shrug. "So what would you give my outfit?"

It's a weekend and I wasn't expecting my outfit to be judged by my new roommate when I got dressed this morning so I'm wearing black ripped jeans, a fitted cropped t shirt and oversized denim shirt over it, along with some decorative gold earrings my Indonesian grandmother gave me, and my favourite black heeled pumps.

"Hmm......" She looks me up and down. "Well, I love the earrings, they really bring the whole piece together, and the fit of the jeans and t shirt is nice, and the jacket was a good decision. It's a little pedestrian, but that's to be expected seeing as it's a Sunday and you're not planning on going out, I assume. Overall I think I'm gonna give it.... a toot." She smiles.

"Thanks! But there was like, a whole commentary going on there, you sound like you know what you're doing."

"Thanks.. I do kinda want to do fashion or something when I leave school. I like makeup, though, too."

"Well, duh!" I raise an eyebrow. "Your face is beat for the gods."

"Thanks. But like, so is yours."

For a moment, there's silence. Then Raven awkwardly clears her throat and leans toward me a little.

"Hey, Raja, uh, Morgan told me about.. what happened. With you and your girlfriend. And, I just wanna say, I'm sorry, I guess. But don't hate me for it or anything, after all I didn't choose to come and separate you like this. So, I hope that doesn't make anything awkward, seeing as we're roommates that wouldn't be great."

"Uh, thanks, I guess. And don't worry, it was me and Manila's fault we got separated in the first place."

"Great." She smiles. "I'm glad we got that cleared up."

"Yeah." I smile back, a little awkwardly. "So am I."

Author's Note -

Hi!! A short chapter today sorry But some cool things happening I guess.... what do you think of sharon and phi phi being roommates???? and raven tooting and booting some looks??? hopefully a new exciting chapter coming your way soon xoxo

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