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Sighing as you walk in the bleak hallways of Shujin Academy, you ignore the stares and whispers you invoke and enter the room Akira told you to go to. Apparently, you're supposed to pick up papers and sign a couple things.

You're directed to a black foldable chair, where you sit down. With nothing to do but wait, you sit cross-legged and take in the dull atmosphere of the place. Generic quotes about motivation and working hard line the cream-colored walls, and there is a bookshelf lined with books about youth. 

It's a dire attempt to be relatable to your generation, something that only enhanced the bleak atmosphere the entire school gave off. You hear the door creak and a lady with a pencil skirt and a white blouse clears her throat. An awkward silence fills the empty room as she pulls her chair out and sits down.

"(y/n), correct?" She asks, not even looking up from her thick stack of papers.

You nod with a curt smile on your face, staring at your hands, which are on your lap.

"Your legal guardian, Asahi Godo, needs to sign these forms. Please return them by Friday. Your class number is 2-1, located on the second floor. Any questions?" She hands you a booklet with multiple forms. 

You shake your head and thank her. You promptly stand up, grabbing your bag. "Oh, one more thing. There's a fairly new student by the name of Akira Kurusu. He'll be showing you around the school later today," She says. You automatically flush a little, remembering the subway events. She lowers her voice, saying one more thing. "Don't get involved in delinquent stuff, alright? You seem like a pretty nice girl.  I'd hate for that to go to waste."

Your eyes widen. Is she talking about Akira? Why is he a delinquent?

Thanking her again and exiting the room, you scoff. What does she know about me? A nice girl? I wish, you think.  Adjusting the strap of your bag, you already know this is going to be a long day, Akira Kurusu or not.


You push the sliding door open as you walk into the bustling classroom. "Alright, be quiet everyone and listen up. This is your new classmate. Why don't you introduce yourself?" Your teacher enquires. 

Looking down at the floor, you reply to the eager class. "Hello. My name is (y/n) and I'm 16. I just moved from The Amari All-Girls Academy. I look forward to working with you." You bow. Nothing too special, nothing too remarkable. You just want to get over with it.

Whispers and murmurs fill the room. "No way... She's so pretty."

"I would kill to have looks like that."

"Who are her parents?"

"Settle down, everyone! Your schedules are filled and you don't have time to waste gossiping," The teacher shouts. The teacher looks at the bustling class and tells you to sit near the side. Perfect. Actually, maybe if you sat near the middle, there would be boys to shamelessly flirt with. Lifting up your gaze, you spot the empty desk. 

Oh, good! Ann's here!

But behind her...

You almost bump into the chalkboard as you unintentionally walk back.

Whywhywhywhywhy, you think as you regain your composure, a blush filling your cheeks. Whispers fill the class.

"Huh? Do they know each other?"

"Don't tell me she's dating the delinquent..."

"I'm so jealous of him..."

You avoid his stare, walking to the empty seat in front of Ann. Pulling the chair out, you sit and place your bag on the hook, which is fastened to the desk. You can still feel Akira's eyes staring at you. Classes start, and in the middle of a lecture, you feel the nub of a pencil poking at your back. You turn your head, Ann looking at you with a puzzled look on her face. 

obsession (Persona 5) (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now