Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes to see myself in a room of endless white. No walls, no floors, I was just floating in endless white.

"..." I began looking around, looking for a sign of life. But there was nothing.

"What's going on?" I asked myself. Then it all came back to me.


Hurrying to school, I grab my lunch, bag, and quickly put on my shoes. I raced to the end of the sidewalk. Looking both ways, I quickly crossed the street.

Seeing a woman on her phone crossing, and an incoming car, I did the one thing that I could do.

Push the woman.

I quickly tackled her to the ground, and to the side.

The car sped by, as the woman stared in fright.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, gently. I would've died, if it weren't for that extra running boost I did before tackling her.

"Uh... yes. Thank you very much." She says, flustered.

"No problem." I said as I took my bag that was tossed to the side, and dusted my clothes off. I had some minor bruises and cuts, but it's alright. I'll just head to the nurse's office after school.

I began continuing my walk to school.

I bet you were expecting that I would die from the car, but no. Not all reincarnation stories are like that. It's just stupid. I mean, why die from trucks or cars? That's just too boring of a death. My death was a bit more interesting.

Turning on a curb, I was quickly grabbed by the arm and tugged into a white van. I was quickly and efficiently blindfolded, muffed, and cuffed.

Basically, I was kidnapped.

They drove to an abandoned building where they used me as a hostage. They tried calling some rich person, but apparently they took the wrong person.

And so, seeing that I was useless, they killed me off.

~End of Flashback~

"Ah, I died." I recalled as I floated around the white space.

Wow. What a wonderful way to die. Note the sarcasm. Well, at least, it was a quick and less painful death. The pain lasts only for a second until you actually die and feel like nothing.

"So... what am I doing here?" I'm not that surprised that I'm dead. Especially from a death like mine. It's quite common. Besides, over there, in the other world, I didn't feel any sort of special attachment there. All I did was live a life of studying and studying. Studying was all I ever did. Which is why I'm one of the smartest in my class.

I looked down at myself, searching if I had a 'form'.

'Since I died, my body would be gone, right?'

And, yep. I had no body. I had no form, yet I could still see and move.

'*sigh* So... now what? I'm like in one of those reincarnation novels Onee-chan (a Senpai at school who insisted on me calling her Onee-chan) squeals about.' I thought as suddenly, a black void popped up.

"Uh... Am I suppose to go inside?" I ask myself as I stare at the black hole skeptically. "Ehh... okay." I have nothing to lose anyways, I'm already dead.

Reincarnated as a Computer Programजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें