Mrs. Gonzalez

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My beautiful fucking wife just knows how to make such a shitty day. A wonderful day. Her smile, laugh, pure heart, adventurous side, caring, compassionate, loving, wise, selfless, courageous, beautiful princess has given me so much and I can't thank her enough. I know I say this sooo much but she's a fucking blessing to me. She has given me so much courage and shown me so much sacrifice that I'd jump in front of a train for her (yes it's Bruno mars reference, relax). Because she has shown me so much in such a small amount of time. Her incredible mommy goals is insanely sexy. But it's not just her appearance that got me attracted to her, the inside of her is so pure and so fragile I'm so lucky to be the one repairing other people's wounds. She's my role model and my go to girl. She will always have my heart. No matter how far we are. Distance is only numbers. I love you Olivia Anna Gonzalez
Yours truly,


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