character's powers and background story.

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Michael Greenwood (Mark248X)

Michael Greenwood (Mark248X)

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Powers and abilities

Expert at hand to hand combat and weapons.

Enhanced reflexes and senses, and has high resistance to damage do to training.

Golden Blade is a unique sword that only the chosen hero can wield, and it allows a unique light magic.

Has a unique type of light magic that allows him to coat his blade making it sharper and stronger, or he can use his hands to blast opponents with light magic.

Background story

Michael Greenwood was the son of the chief of the Infiniversal Police. So he had a lot of responsibilities thrown at him. From a young age train to be a master in hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, guns, and anything else that had to be learn in order to be part of the Infiniversal Police. Responsibilities got even bigger since he was the chosen one to wield the Golden Blade. The Golden Blade can only be used by the chosen one, and gives him the ability to use a special light magic. After the tragic event where they fought an enemy they couldn't beat, Michael lost his father. He left the Infiniversal Police, and went as a lone hero around the Infiniverse, using the Golden Blade to provide help wherever it is needed.

Techna/ Lilith Hawk (Flamewarrior11)

Techna/ Lilith Hawk (Flamewarrior11)

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Powers and abilities

Enhanced brain, making her smarter.

Due to being smarter, she is also good at combat and analyzing. She can make many machines and gadgets.

Due to bonding with an alien life form, she is able to create weapons and armor from the alien life form. It even allows her to fly.

Has regeneration, but it takes longer depending on how serious it is.

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