Chapter XII: Kidnapped

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This chapter is dedicated to itsjenifer1 , who literally made me laugh with her enthusiasm for this book. Thanks, Jeni. It means a lot.

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"Oh my god, Clara?!", I exclaimed in surprise.

Clara Carter had been my friend ever since kindergarten. She had helped me find a nice psychiatrist the previous year too.

"Oh my gosh, hey!", she said, hugging me tightly, and I'm pretty sure she broke one of my bones.

Her father was a police officer, meaning she had gone through "mandatory"  training and was really strong.

"How're you doing?", she asked, releasing me.

"Better. Way better, leaving town helped. A lot.", I said, honestly. "What're you doing here?"

"Ugh, you will not believe the amount of bullying I received at school once I came out, it was horrible. It didn't really affect me, except that it was annoying, although Mom thought enough was enough and so she made us move. And I was originally planning it as a surprise, but I'm joining Chester High!", she said.

"Oh my god, that's awesome!", I exclaimed, hugging her.

"So, what're you doing here?", she asked me.

"Came here for a movie. Tulip Fever.", I said.

"Ah, I came here to shop for a while. My mom must be waiting, I'll see you later okay?", she said, smiling.

"Yeah, of course.", I said, disappointed that she was going.

She walked out of the washroom, and I leaned against the sink,

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"Did you hear that Chase dumped Fiona?", Emilia asked Ethan, as Cara Delevingne's face on the huge screen suddenly seemed boring.

"The whole world must know about it by now.", Ethan replied, snickering, although he probably had no idea what Emilia was talking about.

"Guys, will you shut up?", I asked in annoyance as Emilia and Ethan started laughing and shoving popcorn and nachos in their mouths.

"The movie sucks!", Ethan said, widening his eyes and sighing.

I rolled my eyes and smacked my hand on Grayson's head.

He had fallen asleep halfway through the movie.

"Wake up.", I whisper-shouted when I noticed that an angry old man was eyeing us from a few seats away.

Grayson snapped awake and looked at me with annoyance and I could've sworn I saw a flash of red in his normally hazel eyes.

"Heyyyyy", he muttered smiling.

"Can we go, Ariel? This is boring.", Emilia whined.

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"And that's why it's completely Fiona's fault she got dumped.", I stated, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "I rest my case."

Ethan slowly clapped his hands, attracting the attention of a few people in the diner.

"Okay, but you still didn't explain why she deserved it. Nobody deserves getting dumped by Chase.", Ethan said, even though he had no idea who that was.

"Puh-lease, she wrote that my parents don't care about me and published it in Wellington's Weekly.", she said, rolling her eyes.

I was going to speak up, when I saw a waiter approaching us.

"May I have your order?", he asked. I looked at the name tag.


"Yeah, I'll have the cheddar pasta.", Emilia said, smiling.

"I'll have what the lady is having.", Ethan spoke up.

"I guess I'm not a lady then", I muttered loud enough for the waiter to chuckle.

"Do you have any Spanish dishes?", I asked, looking up.

"Uh, we have a chicken-shrimp paella.", I said, mouth watering at the thought of Paella.

Maybe this time it won't be drugged.

The waiter looked at Grayson.

"I'll have the Hijiki salad.", Grayson said.

Once the waiter walked away and was out of earshot, I turned to Emilia.

"What's Wellington's Weekly?", I asked.

"It's this newspaper filled with juicy gossip, rumors, and all the other stuff. It's run by Fiona and a few other people, but I don't really know them. It's published every Wednesday.", she said.

"Oh wow.", was all I said.

"What's paella?", Ethan asked. "It's this Spanish dish, with white rice, some beans, spices and meat.", I said, taking a sip of water.

• • •

We walked on the pavement in silence. It was about six in the evening, and we were all heading home. "This is my street, buy guys!", Emilia said, stopping at a turn on the pavement. We all waved goodbye, and continued walking.

Suddenly, I tripped on my shoelace and almost fell face-down on the brick ground.

"Yo, you guys go ahead, I'll just tie my laces.", I said, bending down on one knee.

Ethan and Grayson nodded, and walked away, as I tied my laces. I got up and sighed.

I really need to workout.

Eh, maybe later.

I walked on, when suddenly, a hand grabbed mine, while another hand was tightly place over my mouth.

"MMPH!!", I tried to shout, as a big and muscular body started dragging me to a dark corner.

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Sorry for the late update, but I put in a cliffhanger to make up for it 🙂.


Also, check out my short stories, "Sorry" and "Sweatband"!

ok bye.
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