"Why have you dragged me out at this time in the morning?" I say with frustration. It is 8:15 on a Saturday; I'm fairly certain that there are laws against being up at this time at the weekend. Yawning, I'm stood outside my girlfriend's garage, whilst she excitedly opens the door.
"Well, the children are all at various things, so I figured we could have a day out. And I wanted to show you my baby!" Sarah says, excitement radiating from her as she navigates through the clutter. In a moment of triumph, she pulls back a giant, old sheet to reveal a sky blue, Mercedes 280 convertible.
"Oh wow, it's gorgeous!" I squeal. Grinning, Sarah pulls out a picnic basket, places it on the back seat, and jumps into the driver's seat. I join her in the passenger's side, and she starts the engine, revving it, and (having shut the garage) speeds off down the road, passing quickly through the hustle and bustle of the town, and into the open countryside.
"This is my little secret," She yells over the engine. "I've always had it, but never really get chance to use it properly. Bought it when I was 17 with the wages from my first job, for about £300 - my dear baby was a total wreck. Me and a mate, who was a trainee mechanic, spent about 18 months doing it up until I passed my test and it was finally roadworthy. Never been able to let go of the sweet little thing." She explains, smiling.
"Don't use it with the kids" Sarah continues. "The SUV is much more practical, for all 4 of them. I might sell this and get a new project if any of the kids get interested in this sort of thing." She says.
"If you do," I interrupt. "I'm so buying it off you. This car has got to be the most beautiful thing on the planet!" I say with a laugh. "Except you, Princess, of course." I hastily correct.
"Nah, baby girl, that title is held by you." Sarah says, as she links our hands above the console and places a soft, gentle kiss on my hand, before reverting her attention back to driving.
I use the comfortable silence that falls between us to absorb the scenery. The vast entity of the open road, the bright sunshine reflecting off my girlfriend's hair, sheafs of wheat dancing in the gentle breeze, waving as we speed past; the smell of freshly cut grass and the outdoors invades my senses, lulling me into contentment. Oh, how I love the countryside...
My reverie is broken as we pull up to a secluded, woodland area, surrounded by fields. Smiling, we both hop out of the car, I pick up the picnic basket, and we stroll down the path, Sarah leading the way. We make idle conversation, a common occurrence for us - we have so much in common, despite the 16 year age gap, that chat about pretty much anything falls so easily between us, and it emphasises the friendship we have. I've come to realise that our relationship is so much more than just a teacher and a student crossing society’s moral boundaries, but love. This, the contentment created by spending a day together, just being, is what true love feels like. No-one else would understand; it saddens me that I can't share my love for my girlfriend with the planet, and any other that'll listen, but that can't be helped - I can't lose her. I'd go to the ends of the universe, if it means we can be together forever.
Picking a sheltered spot in a clearing, sunrays stream through the trees, the light beautifying everything it touches, we lay out the blanket, and (as it is now midday) begin our lunch.
Sarah certainly hadn't skimped on food: large portions of leafy salads; huge helpings of pasta in reds and greens; soft, fresh French bread; cheese, pate, any condiment you can imagine; all washed down with a fresh, sparkling wine ("It's a low-alcohol one, but sip it. I'm not dealing with a tipsy Abby!" she warns playfully as she hands me a glass). This is one heck of a picnic!
After lunch, we lie on the blanket, stomachs full to bursting, neither of us is willing to move. My head rests on her stomach, and she twists my long, chocolate brown hair through her long fingers, content with just laying with me in the open clearing.
Finally, she breaks the silence: "What's gonna happen next year? And after that?" she says quietly, uncertainty in her voice.
"What do you mean," I respond quickly. "I got a conditional offer from Military College, which I'm gonna reject, so we'll still both be at school together for the next two years. As for Uni, well, we can do long distance - Skype, IMing and there's plenty of trains - or I'll go to a local one, and we can stay as we are. Plus, there's weekends, holidays and the summer to spend together; it'll all work out - you'll see." I finish, moving to meet my girlfriend's gaze. She attempts a half-smile, still unsure.
"Yeah, I see what you're saying, but I've done University sweetie, and I'm worried that I'm gonna restrict you." She says, sighing.
"What do you mean, "restrict me"? You're the best thing to ever happen to me - I don't get what you mean," I say abruptly, confusion filling my voice.
"I mean, how will you go out with your friends, or do all the work, if you're spending your time travelling and 'Skypeing' me? Even so, I know what you're like - you'll use me as a distraction. I can't impede your academic studies - don't squander your ability for me, I'd never live with myself." Sarah finishes cautiously.
"Listen to me," I say, with an authoritative tone, as I turn to face my girlfriend fully. "You will never, EVER, be a restriction on my life, okay? I love you, and you love me too - that's enough to overcome any barrier we'll face. As for your fears, we can work through it. I'm not one for partying, and I'll just allot time for everything - I'm doing it now, like yesterday I spent with my friends, today with you, etc. Just like revision - everything will have its place. I'm not prepared to give you up because you think you're a distraction - don't you think it's a little too late to be considering this, having been my teacher for most of our relationship?" I say with a smile. My girlfriend smiles back.
"GCSE is one thing, Madam, A Level and Degrees are on another planet!" She chastises me. "I'm already considering not teaching AS Level next year, so I don't end up with you in my class..." she finishes with a serious look on her face.
"You can't do that!" I exclaim. "No way, you're being my teacher, whether you like it or not - you're the best teacher in the school, I ain't losing you!" I say indignantly, the picture of stubborn. Sarah laughs for the first time in this conversation.
"Mrs Nurse, Mrs Parris and the others are all perfectly good teachers - you'll like them. I just don't think it's appropriate for me to be teaching my girlfriend, especially when it comes to marking coursework and stuff..." she trails off.
"Well, considering dating me is fairly inappropriate, what harm can teaching me for another 2 years do? Anyway, we all get 2 A Level teachers, so just make sure that the other one gets to mark my fabulous essays. Problem solved!" I finish triumphantly.
"Ok, I give in - for now," Sarah says. "But this conversation isn't over, Madam. We still have to discuss loads; we can't live on Cloud 9 forever!"
"Yeah, but we can try," I say, as I reach over to capture her lips. The soft, gentle kiss quickly becomes heated, and I feel a firm grip pulling my hips fully on top of my girlfriend.
"You look so stunning in this light," I start as my lips trace her jawline, neck and clavicle, before slowly moving further south, eliciting a soft moan from the woman above me. "I take it were doing to do this Al Fresco?" I continue with a smirk as I pull her white tank top over her head. "A new one for us..." I finish as my mouth wanders all over her beautiful body, far too preoccupied with her for speech...
A/N: As per normal when they're alone, we finish with a PG-13(ish!) sex scene ;) Happy Easter my lovelies! Soz guys, another filler of "Amiee's Perfect Dates", but this just came to me whilst sleeping off a migraine, and it had to go in! Chapter 20 already, can't believe it's got this long, and I haven't even really added any drama - I had expected to have finished by this point, and yet I haven't even done anything dramatic yet!!! Oh well, more fluff for all you marshmallow-ness addicts (like me - the world should be a much happier place!) to enjoy! If anyone's interested, Sarah's car is the same as Daniel Cleaver's in Bridget Jones' Diary - I WANT THAT CAR!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, 600 READS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL *hands out virtual Easter eggs as thanks* - I can't believe there's so much interest in my little piece of insanity, which started as a very strange dream back in February! I hope you're enjoying it - yes or no, in return for the virtual Easter egg, comments and suggestions PLEASE. I need serious help, otherwise the updates will get sporadic again...I will love you forever! Love always, Amiee xxx

Echoes Down The Corridor
Teen Fiction***I've created a Pintrest board for this story - @xace28x and the EDTC board, so check out if you're interested*** What happens when Abby Williams, just an average teenager, falls in love with her beautiful English teacher, Sarah Proctor? And what...