i found my mate!

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"so what are you exactly" I looked down at my shoes.

"you might want to sit down for this"

"yeah okay"

"well I'm a very rare breed of werewolf called moon wolfs we're known to be the most powerful at of all the other wolves the thing is I'm the last of our kind and all the other wolves think the moon wolves were all killed when our pack was invaded but I was able to run away and found the man that I called my father and then next is were you guys come in please don't be mad or hit me" I said and CC just sat there looking into nothingness, did I say something wrong.

CC's P.O.V.

SHE'S A WHAT? I have to tell the guys. I still can't believe she's a werewolf and I can't believe that seriously just happen! 


~~~~~~~4 hours later~~~~~~~


 After everything that had happend i was really tired so i'm gonna go to sleep hopefully CC and all the guys will forget when i wake up.


"Please stop" I yelled struggling and hoping they'd give up and let me go.

"Why should we? huh? what's that the little emo can't speak, here let me help!" with that she grabbed me by the neck and held me in the air to watch me struggle, but something in that moment had given me power, power i'd never had before this was different almost sweet like the air had gotten nicer and i couldn't feel the pain, it was like....MATE! It finally hit me i'd found my mate, but will he reject me? I was brought out of thought by the most beautiful voice i'd ever heard. With all the strenght in me I stood up from the ground where i had been thrown to the ground.

"um thank you for saving me" i muttered akwardly. I watched as he sniffed the air, as i did too that's when i smelt it alpha blood which means future luna if i don't get  rejected.

"Mate" he whispered and smiled all i did was nod.

                                               ~~~~~~~DREAM OVER~~~~~~~

I groaned and checked the time 6:47 a.m. When I was getting out of bed all the memories from the dream were coming back to me.

"of course it was a dream it was way to good to be true" although i wish it hadn't been a dream.

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