It was a dream right?!?

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After I woke I went down stairs to make breakfast none of the guys were awake yet so i thought I go for a run, as I was leaving a very tired looking cc came down stairs, did he see me? does he remember what happen? did he tell the guys? my Mind was fighting for answers they could get. I thought i'de go attempt to ask cc and get answers. "hey cc"
"Oh mmh hey morning"
"So do u remember anything from last night"
"Kinda it's all blurry though, did I do something?"
"Oh no nothing at all just asking"
"Oh ok"
"Oh I'm gonna go for a run there's some bacon on the counter if you want some"
"Shh don't wake up the guys"
"Oh right sorry" I left to go for my run after that I was so relieved he didn't remember but he might so I have to be carful from now on.

Andy's P.O.V.
"skylar it's time for school" I yelled
"Yeah be down in a minute"she yelled back. I was trying to eat when I remember what cc had said yesterday I didn't believe him but I was starting too.
Skylar came down stairs so we left I dropped her off at school and went home.

I got out of the car and head toward the office when I saw the people from my dream I got scared so I started going faster, but I wasn't fast enough they saw me. was able to get away. I did my paper work and the office had sent for someone to show me the way. when he got here all I could smell was Roses and pineapple, what a weird combination oh well, his name was James he was so handsome and amazing not some prep he was like me I could tell he was my mate but I didn't say anything because well I don't know why I didn't say anything. he took me to my first class and we parted ways he was in the rest of my classes which was the most amazing thing ever. finally school was over. I called Andy but he couldn't make it for another hour so I decided to go draw under the oak tree behind the school after about 5 minutes I heard footsteps I looked up and they were their, I stood up about to walk away when the bitch grabbed my arm I yelped I still had fresh cuts.
"If it isn't the emo bitch" she spat out
"Why don't you just kill yourself or we could did it for you" her and her group laughed she held me tighter and then grabbed my throat I was being lifted off the ground and I relived this was just like in my dream, he was coming. After that I sensed it he was close I hear a yell "put her down" I tried to smile but couldn't he started running and tearing the girls off me, here it comes.
"Mate" James said
"Mate" I walked closer kissed his cheek and said thanks. I hear dandy yell my name and started running toward him.
"Wait, what's your name?" James yelled
"Skylar just skylar" I yelled back. thus was going to be a crazy year I thought getting into the car and heading home.
"James is actually a friend of mine and the is really him but his name is aro so yeah. Bye guys sorry it short again.

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