Sunday 4/18

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Simon added Clary,Izzy and Alec to a group chat

[Simon] 3:42pm
What are you shadowhunters up to this lovely Sunday?

[Clary] 3:45pm
Lovely? Since when did you start using that word?

[Simon] 3:45pm
I don't know..maybe I have spent too much time with Magnus

[Alec] 3:46pm
Wait why have you been with Magnus? And when were you with him?

[Simon] 3:46pm
I was at his party last night? And why did Jace leave as soon as I got there?

[Alec] 3:47pm
He doesn't like you. And neither do I.

[Izzy] 3:47pm

[Alec] 3:47pm
What? I'm just being honest.

[Izzy] 3:48pm
You have to get along someday, you can't hate someone your entire life.

[Alec] 3:48pm
Watch me.

[Clary] 3:49pm
Simon as the answer of you question, I'm out eating with Jace

[Simon] 3:49pm
Wait. Are you with Jace?

[Clary] 3:49pm

[Simon] 3:50pm
That means he has read all of this?

[Clary] 3:50pm
Yes and he couldn't care less

[Simon] 3:50pm
Good. Izzy, Alec, what are you two doing?

[Izzy] 3:51pm
I'm on my way to Meliorn..

[Alec] 3:51pm
I'm on my way over to Magnus'. He told me he had a surprise for me so I'm kinda scared. I hate surprises.

[Clary] 3:52pm
Aww that's so cute

[Alec] 3:52pm
No it's scary.

[Izzy] 3:53pm
Tell me everything about it when you're back home

[Alec] 3:53pm
The institute isn't my home anymore. Magnus' loft is.

[Izzy] 3:54pm
Well you can live wherever you want as long as you tell me everything that happened

[Alec] 3:54pm
I will.

[Clary] 3:54pm
Guys I have to leave. Jace want me to pay attention to him..

Clary left the group chat

Izzy left the group chat

[Alec] 3:57pm
They left me alone with you. Again.

Alec left the group chat

Simon left the group chat


[Clary] 5:26pm
Guess what! I booked a gig for you this Wednesday at Hunters Moon!

[Simon] 5:31pm
You did what?!

[Clary] 5:32pm
You have to be there at 7.30pm

[Simon] 5:32pm
Clary I can't..

[Clary] 5:32pm
Why not?

[Simon] 5:33pm
I don't have a band or a song!

[Clary] 5:33pm
You may not have a band but you can do it alone. And I've heard the new music you've made, it's really good!

[Simon] 5:34pm
Fine... but promise me you'll be there?

[Clary] 5:34pm
Of course! I'll bring Izzy and some other friends too😊

[Simon] 5:36pm
Please do not bring Jace, I won't be able to focus if I see his annoying face in the crowd

[Clary] 5:36pm
I don't think I would be able to bring him even if I wanted to😂

[Simon] 5:36pm

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