[3] The Clock Is Ticking

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Brook was kneeling on the grass outside the building looking at Aroeht and the others. Aroeht was shaking in cold so that Brook sighed and removed his own jacket so that he put it over Aroeht and she tugged the sides of it and he smiled with his lips but lifted his head at hearing his name being called.

Patty and Tom were on their way to Brook and Brook stood up and received Tom whom was injured on the neck. "What happened to him?" He asked.

"Some giant lizards... They attacked us and one jumped over him and -"

"Again, not necessary details."


"Where's Drake?"

"He didn't made it out. Well... by his own."

Brook looked down at Tom and sighed as he turned to look at Patty.

"Tell the others: To let him rest," Brook started and Tom's wound glowed in a golden color and soon the wound just faded. "I will go for Drake."

Brook's star on his forehead started to glow golden and then just turned purple.

"Brook..." Patty whispered.

"Stay and do what I say. I'll come back. I promise."

Brook was going to walk past her but she grabbed his wrist so that he stopped his walk. Brook turned his head to her direction and she stared at him.

"I know." Brook nodded and walked away so she stared at him.

Drake was against the table, looking away but tears falling down his eyes.

~Brook, I don't know if you're coming for me but... It is too late. And what I am going to do is yet more worse. I just hope Ellis understands... That I did this for you and her. I am sorry.~

Drake thought, shutting his eyes closed as his shirt was opened and the woman was whipping his stomach and chest. Blood swung in the air as he gasped, arching his back and looking away with a groan.

She stopped whipping him and sighed, removing one of her bangs off her forehead and staring at him.

"So, any last words, cowboy?" She asked. "It was fun while it lasted." She smirked. "And sorry for ruining your chest but you pals ruined half of my spaceship." She said and was going to whip him again but Drake gave a warrior scream lifting his hands and the chain's broke in pieces so she gasped and looked at him as he grabbed her whip with both hands.

"I am afraid that cannot happen, my dear. We, salamanders, don't die so easily."

He said and she gasped but she was shot on the shoulder with some purple ball that was shot from the door of the room. She groaned and turned around. Brook was standing there, having one palm forward the other and growling silently.

"Let. My. Friend. GO!"

Brook screamed and her ears exploded with green blood coming out her ears and she covered her ears with groans. Drake broke the chains of his feet and sat up but Brook stood in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Brook asked.

"Yeah. Maybe a little bit mad because she ruined my chest but yeah."

"Hold on, buddy."

Brook said and Drake nodded, grabbing his shoulders and Brook held him up in his arms and when they looked in front of them, the woman was not there.

"She escaped..." Brook said.

The room turned red and a robotic female voice showed up saying: "AUTO DESTRUCTION in 5, 4, 3,..."

Drake and Brook looked at each other and screamed with big eyes and Brook started to run away while Drake screamed and held on to his shoulders.

"2, 1..."

Brook was still running through the hallway leading to the section of the broken lizard eggs.

"Uh - Oh. We have come to 0."

The room in which the woman had tortured Drake, exploded and the fire continued through the halls and the rooms of the spaceship. Burning the bodies of the already dead members.

The fire got to the eggs section but luckily Brook was already getting to the exit of the spaceship and the fire made his body fly out the doors and roll on the ground with Drake and the spaceship exploded with pieces falling all over the ground and around them.

Brook laid on his back, groaning. Drake looked at the spaceship in flames and looked at Brook with a smile.

"We did it!" Drake smiled. "We made it out. The girls are save." He sighed with a smile. "I knew you could do it."

"Yeah but,... That woman... Is out there."

"And like hell I will care about that right now. You saved me and we saved the girls. That's all it matters in this moment. If that woman shows up, then we will --"

Drake was saying but an arrow stabs his forehead. Brook gasps with his eyes growing. Brook's mouth opens bigger than before as he screams in sadness and rage and pain. Drake's mouth bleeds as same the arrow on his forehead.


He screamed and Drake's eyes were dead and cold staring down at Brook. Brook hugged him and cried with loud sobs and Drake's blood was all over his upper lip and chin.

"Salamanders don't die easily, do they?"

The woman said, a few steps away from them holding a crossbow and Brook looked at her with big eyes and aimed at her with one palm and threw a green ball and the woman ran away into the woods before the ball could hit her so the ball just hit a tree.

Brook remained crying and holding his best friend against his chest.

A/N: Well, I just hope you guys don't make plans in killing me lol. See ya around 💚

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