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 Alaska Davis is my name. It's a pretty weird name in my opinion but other people think its so "cute". 

Im a sophomore at Johnson's high school , I just turned 16 this year which sucks ass because why would anyone want to be happy about growing up? So they can be on their own? 

My story. Theres not much to it except my parents splitting up , um lets see , my brother running away with my little sister.  Im all my parents have left since we have no clue where my brother is. But the thing is i don't blame him at all for leaving , just wished he took me with him. I don't want to stay here anymore, just want all of my problems to be gone. 

My parents divorce was the hardest thing i had to go through , knowing that my parents don't love each other anymore. My dad is a surgeon and a real good one . He saved plenty of lives. But there was one thing he couldn't save and it was his own family. I caught him doing the nasty with his intern in the bathroom. During the situation i had no idea what to do. At first i wanted to punch him over and over again . I wanted us to be a family but i couldn't lie ... so i told my mom. After i told my mom , there was nothing but fights every time i came home. 

soon and later we found out that both of our parents cheated on each other.

When my brother , Max found out he lost it because he loved us being a family so much. He couldn't bare to see them apart. Which is why he took our little sister (Jamie) and went to stay at grandmas house in the Netherlands.  All we know is that they're both healthy and alive.

It was during spring break. Just wished things were different.

The only person that makes me feel so special would be my boyfriend Louis Anderson , we've been together since freshman year and he's everything all i have left.

I know...  very dramatic. Don't get me wrong i love my parents but the things that they have done have changed everything including our family. 

Now i can't wait to see what's ahead of me.

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See you next time ;)


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