In the Beginning Pt. 1

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"LILY" I jumped at the sound of my name. My mother was yelling from the bottom of the stairs I could tell she was furious. Her face was burning red and her hand gripped the stairs with so much force I could have sworn that at any second they were gonna snap.

"LILYBETH PIPER! I have been yelling your name for a good five minutes now.... turn that shit down right now before I go up there!" She shrieked from the stairs her voice was so high pitched I half expected the windows to shatter. My mother wasn't the nicest person you could meet in fact she was the total opposite. She was rude and impossible to be around. She criticized everything I ever did to be honest she was the definition of a bitch. But she was still my mother and I had to respect her or else she would probably throw me out of the house god knows she has tried a couple of times but my dad never let her do it.

I just wanted to go back to my room and relax. In all honesty I have been dealing with her shit all of my life and I was getting tired of it. "Fine mom i'll turn it off.... By the way their music isn't shit it just doesn't appeal to people who have no taste." With that comment I went back to my room and locked the door just incase she wanted to come up here and yell at me some more.

I layed in bed and grabbed my Mac. As soon as I opened it I went on Facebook I saw pics of the party that most of the people from my school were at. There were videos of obviously drunk girls dancing on tables and pics of smiling faces.

Sometimes I wish if I had the courage to actually go to a party and get completely wasted and dance on tables to live a little but I knew that would never happened. My mother always had me on a short leash if I ever stepped out of line the first thing she would say is straight up your act or get out of my house.

My phone began to buzz at my side I looked down at the screen to see my best friends name flash on the screen. "Hello" I said picking up the phone. "Lillyyyy..." she slurred on the phone.

"Tessa are you drunk?" I didn't even have to ask the question to know that she was drunk.

Tessa started giggling on the line "Maybe, just a little.. but that's not why i'm calling you. You have to come to the party it's such a blast there are so many hot guys here.. please just come."

"I don't know Tessa it's pretty late now i'm not sure that my parents will let me go."

Tessa sighed obviously frustrated with my answer, "The don't tell them Lily have some fun for once in you live sneak out. Please do you really want to leave me here alone what if something happens to me?" Her last words tugged at my heart she knew that I will feel obligated to go if there was a chance that she will get hurt.

I sighed "Fine i'll go texted me the address." Tessa started squealing, "Yes, finally you do somethings fun" , "Oh, shut up" I respond at her snide comment. "I'm hanging up now... Bye Tessa." "Okay see you when you get here Lily... Oh and wear something Sexy" she emphasizes the last word.

I can't help but laugh at Tessa's stupidity. Our relationship has always been weird we are nothing alike she is wild and rebellious but she has amazing parents that support her in everything she does. We met at the beginning of highschool we sat together in Biology. We never really talked until one day this guy came to hit on me and he smacked my ass when I rejected him. Tessa saw this and she was pissed specially since they had just broken up. Long story short Tessa ended up beating that guys ass the video went viral.

As it turns out it did look like I had something to do on my friday night and I was excited. That excitement didn't last long I didn't know how the hell I was going to sneak out of the house? How I was going to get to the party? What I was going to wear since I own nothing 'sexy'? But I sure as hell wasn't going to back down this was my first act of rebellion and I was going to enjoy it.


Hey guys... So as you can probably tell this is a new story but it's also my first story so please vote and comment but no hate in the comments plez!


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