8. Violent Past

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 Chapter 8

 The rest of the weekend went slow. I kept on a low, staying inside and ignoring all my texts from Yoko. How am I supposed to face her in school? I cant ignore her cause she doesn't know that I am angry at her for being with Jace.. No wait I'm not angry, I'm jealous. I shook off the thought immediately, deciding that if I want to ignore Jace the first step is to block off the feelings I have for him. 

In less then half an hour I had myself showered and dressed and ready for school. I said a quick goodbye to Karl, who was too busy stuck in a book that she never noticed the look of dread plastered on my face. Today is going to be a nightmare, maybe even worse of a nightmare then waking up in Jace's room.

I tried to get to school as fast as I could because then I would have 5 minutes before Yoko comes and I want to be in class before that happens.

I practically ran to my locker and snatched my books and ran straight to the chemistry lab. Yes, chemistry which means I have to sit beside Jace. 

I made it to class with 10 minutes to spare. Bright side, Mrs.Cleerse will be happy.

I walked into class and thankfully some other students were there studying or maybe running away from their best friend like I am doing now. I sat in my usual seat and decided I might as well do some homework to waste time. 

Halfway through my chemistry homework,  I had a strange feeling that someone was staring at me and I looked up to catch the persons eyes. I do hate being stared at. My eyes reached the most beautiful hazel brown eyes that could only be jace.

I quickly snapped my head back down to my work, keeping my promise that I was going to forget about Jace.  I can do that.. forget.

I let my long hair curtain my face, blocking any view of Jace. The chair beside me scraped on the floor and it took all my concentration to not look over at him. I felt a small ache in my hands and only noticed that I was clenching them so hard that they had gone stiff and tiny droplets of blood were starting to appear where my nails broke the skin on my palm.

"God dammit" I whispered, wiping the tiny drops of crimson blood on a random tissue I found in my bag.

"Uh are you okay?" I heard a deep caramel voice whisper beside me. Keeping with my promise I ignored him and went back to dabbing the blood from my hands. 

I heard Mrs.Cleerse's shrilling voice call out to class for silence and I silently blessed myself for the distraction. "Okay students, It's near the end of the year and I know you are all worked up about the prom coming up but this year you all have to do a chemistry project." Everyone in the whole glass groaned.

"EXCUSE ME!! now where was I, you all will be paired in two and the projects are not to be done in school they are after school projects." Mrs.Cleerse seemed quite happy at what torture she was inflicting on us.

Some dark haired girl raised her hand and Mrs.Cleerse gave a quick nod for the girl to start talking. "Are we aloud to pick who want to be paired with?" She spoke in a squeaky high pitched voice that would get on anybodies nerves.

"No, the person bedside you will be your partner and no groaning or you'll get detention." My heart literally dropped into my stomach. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Well there goes my promise. 

"Now, you all can talk between your pairs and sort out times of when you are going to work on your projects." Mrs.cleerse's voice sounded millions of miles away and my heart still hadn't climbed its way back.

I didn't say anything for a couple of minutes just stared straight ahead at Mrs.cleerse who was now distracted by her computer.

I heard Jace clear his throat, trying to get my attention but It was like my bones had turned to stone. I couldn't make myself turn my neck or even twitch. "Kiara?" I heard Jace say.

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