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  Monday morning.
*Beep! Beep! Beep!* "Ugh," I groaned as i rolled over. "Yoonha! Yoonhaaaa! Time to wake up!" he yelled from the doorway, "Come on you can't make me late on the first day!" My door slammed as he turned to run down the stairs. Yup that's my host brother Jeon Jungkook. Tall, handsome, charming, etc. who wouldn't fall for him? The only girl that he looks at differently. Me. I don't know what he sees in me especially since I'm his host sister, but everyone tells me that he likes me. I don't think he does, I mean he hasn't tried anything with me (thank god). If he did I could get kicked out of the program. If that happened I'm not sure what i'd do. My parents died when i was young. I wouldn't have a place to go.
I got out of bed, grabbed my uniform and headed towards the bathroom to get ready. When i came out i was Jungkook waiting by the door. "How long were you planning to stay in there?" He said with a smile, "Besides, you don't need makeup," he winked, and walked past me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. "J-Jungkook-ah! Thats rude!" I tried but he'd already shut the door on me to get ready. "Breakfast is on the table!" He yelled and i could hear the smile in his voice. I sighed and walked down the stairs. "Good morning Yoonha," my host mother greeted me. "Good morning" i said with a smile. Just as I was about to take a bite of toast i feel a hand pull me to my feet. "Come on, Yoonha!" Jungkook yelled, "or we'll be late!"
"Hey! Can I at least take a couple bites??"
"No time, silly! Grab your shoes and hurry or I'll leave without you!" He yelled as he shut the door on his way out. "Ughhhh!" I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. Jungkook was already backing out of the driveway. "Hey!!" I yelled as i ran towards the car. He rolled doe the window and smiled. "Hahaha I would never leave you," he said as he gave me his big bunny smile. I rolled my eyes and got in the black death trap. I only call it that when Jungkook drives. Whenever he drives i feel like he's either trying to scare me or kill me. I offer but I don't have my license so he won't let me. I'd rather get pulled over and pay the ticket than die in his car. Sometimes I wonders how he was able to pass his drivers test.
By the time we got to the school i felt sick from how he was taking the turns. I almost threw up on the last turn by the school. I got out, grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom. I splashed some cool water on my face and took a few breaths. "Yoonha?" I turned to see Taeyeon next to me. "You okay?"
Yeah. Just Jungkook's driving again."
"Hah! How're you gonna handle that for the rest of the year? After all It's only one semester in and every morning when i see you, you look green."
"Ugh don't remind me. Come on were almost late for lecture."
As we were heading to our morning lecture i felt someone grab my arm. Shocked, i turned to find jungkook. "Jungkook-ah what're y-" I was cut off as he pulled me into a big hug. "You didn't think you were going to just run off to lecture without giving your favorite host brother a hug did you?"
"You're my only host brother, smarty," I mumbled into his chest. He gave me a quiet, innocent laugh in return. I could feel my cheeks getting hot, then my whole face. I pushed him away. "You were then one not wanting to be late and now you'll make us both late!" And with than I walked off with Taeyeon to our morning lecture.
By the time lunch rolled around i was exhausted. I'd had two lectured; each two hours long. I could choose to have a two hour lunch now or sit through another then go home. After seeing that Jungkook was taking his lunch now i decided to sit through another lecture. I can just see him at home. Plus i would not mind taking the bus home with Taeyeon; especially the way Jungkook drives. When i finished the lecture i realized i'd forgotten my phone in Jungkook's car. "I'll be right back. I gotta run to Jungkook's car to get my phone."
"Alright but if youre not back before the bus leaves I'm getting on,"
"Okay, I know. Don't worry I'll beck way before then,"
When i got out to Jungkook's car i saw him leaning against it as if he'd been waiting for me. He gave me his bunny smile. "Jungkook-ah! W-what are you doing? You're supposed to be in lecture right now! You're late!" He just kept smiling at me. "I know, but i tried to call you and you didn't answer so i figured your phone was here! So i came to unlock it for you," He smiled even bigger. I gave him a small smile without realizing it. Then whipped it off my face. I could feel my face getting hot. He unlocked the car for me an grabbed my phone. "Thanks but you're late for lecture. You're going to get in trouble," he just smiled then got in the car. "Jungkook-ah what're you doing? You're teacher will be pissed! Stop playing around you have to go,"
"I'm already late though.." he looked down then to me. He still had that smile on his face. "Come on I just wanna give you a ride home," he started to pout. He knew i couldn't say no now. I got in the car but he still wouldn't give me my phone. "Excuse me but you're forgetting something," i said and crossed my arms.."
"Oh! Haha sorry. You're right," then he leaned over and kissed my forehead. I could feel my whole face going bright red. "Y-y-you idiot! I meant m-my phone!" Then i grabbed it out of his hands and turned to look out the window. "Hahaha! I love messing with you," I could hear the smile in his voice which made my face even more red. I just continued to look out the window until i knew my face wasn't red. "How was your day Yoonha? Did you make it to all of your classes on time?"
"It was fine nothing out of the ordinary and yes I was on time,"
"You're welcome," he said with a huge grin. "What? But i never thanked you,"
"I know but you were on time,"
"So? What's your point?"
"You were on time even though you missed the bus. I was driving fast this morning so you'd be on time. You're welcome," his smile got even bigger. I returned his smile. He really was trying for me. I guess he does care. "What're you smiling for Yoonha? What could be on that mind of yours, hmm?"
"W-what're you getting at? Nothing! I'm not thinking about anything!"
"Haha! I'm just messing with you Yoonha!" he looked at me with his dark, sparkling eyes. I could feel my face getting hot again. "H-hey! K-keep your eyes on the road, dummy! You'll make us crash!"
"No need to worry Yoonha," he said as he returned his eyes to the road. "I'd never do anything to put you in danger," my face was bright red I was sure of it. I sighed. He really is the sweetest person i know. It'd a shame he's my host brother. He giggled. "You're sure theres nothing on your mind, Yoonha?"
"W-what kind of a question is that! Of course I am,"
"Haha okay, okay! Don't have to get all defensive on me now," he said as he winked at me. We pulled into the garage and got out of the car. He stopped and stood in front of the door blocking my way. "Come on Jungkook-ah moooove, I'm tired,"
"Okay. As soon as you tell me why your face was so red all the way home," he gave me a big grin.
I felt my face go red again. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. I-It was probably the lighting,"
"So it must've been the same lighting in here then?" He smiled bigger.
My eyes widened for a second. What was he trying to do? "Fine ill go through the front door then. I turned to walk away and he grabbed my hand and spun me back to face him only this time it was a lot closer. I could smell his cologne. I always loved the smell. It almost made me feel drowsy. He just looked at my eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry Yoonha," he said and sighed. I could feel his warm breath on my face. "I know you're tired and had a long day. Come on let's go inside," he stood there for a second just looking at me then opened the door. I kicked off my shoes and place them neatly then placed his shoes neatly since he almost never does. Mom works late on week nights so I'd have to cook tonight. I walked up the stairs to my room, dropped my bag by the door, and flopped down on my neatly made bed to check my phone. I was exhausted from having three lectures in a row. I'd better get more sleep tonight since we got out early today and would have even longer lectures tomorrow. I still have to study and make dinner. Ill just take a short nap. It's about 1:45pm I've got plenty of time. I'll just shut my eyes for a few seconds.
I laid back on my bed and i was out. When I finally woke up I opened my eyes to find Jungkook laying next to me with a sweet smile. "Ahhhh!!! What're you doing in my room??!"
"You left your door open silly. You passed out," I looked out my window and it was dark. I shot up. "Wait it's dark? How long was I asleep? What time is it?"
"It's about 7:30pm. You looked so peaceful so i figured I'd just let you sleep,"
"Jungkook-ah I still have to study and make dinner!"
"Haha about that... I uh...."
"Ugh oh no don't tell me you actually tried to cook," he stood up, grabbed my arm and lead me down stairs. He'd changed into casual clothes and I was still in my school uniform. When we got downstairs it smelled so good. He walked me into the kitchen; the table was set with delicious looking food. He pulled my chair out for me and i sat down. He smiled as he watched me take a bite. My mouth watered; it was so good. He giggled. "What?" I asked, "You're glowing," he looked at me with dreamy eyes. I felt my face heat up. "Haha you know Yoonha, I've never seen you happier than when you're eating," and with that i smiled and took another bite. When dinner was finished I was doing the dishes then all of a sudden i see two arms come around me. At first i thought Jungkook was going to hug me but then he grabbed the sponge and started scrubbing a plate. "Ah! What're you doing?!" I grabbed the faucet and sprayed him. His white t-shirt was soaked. "Ah! Hey! Haha what're you doing Yoonha? Now i have to change," he said and right there he pulled off his shirt and went to toss is in the laundry. "Hey what do you think you're doing?!" I looked away right when it was off. I heard him going through clothes to find a new shirt. "Yoonha it's not a big deal, haha I'm your brother," i turned to see Jungkook standing right behind me soaking wet and shirtless. He was standing so close to me I couldn't move. He just looked at me with dreamy eyes and sighed. "Yoonha, Yoonha, Yoonha. What am I gonna do with you," he smiled. My face went red and i gulped. Just then he grinned so big and i felt a splash of sold water on my back which sent me stumbling into Jungkook. He wrapped his arms around me, which got me even more wet. "Hey let me go!" I pushed him off of me. When i stepped back I then realized how muscular he was. I couldn't help but stare. "Uh hello? Earth to Yoonha," I looked up at his face. He was smiling huge. "You okay?" He asked, "What? Yeah I'm fine, why? Um I have to go change. Ugh I'm soaked!" I turned and started running up the stairs and i could hear his footsteps right behind mine. I slipped an saw the stairs coming up fast. Just before i hit them i felt a tight grip in my arm. "Yoonha! You have to be more careful. Please don't hurt yourself," he then pulled me into a hug. He was still soaked. "Here you go into your room and ill get each of us a towel," with than he ran into the bathroom and i walked into my room and started to change. I heard my door open. "Hey Yoonha here's a t-" he froze. He dropped the towel and shut my door. Before it closed i saw a smile on his face. "Sorry!" He yelled. "Y-you pervert!" I yelled at him through my door. "Hey! It's not like i did it on purpose!" I heard him walk off and then a door shut. I changed then grabbed my books and went into the study to do homework. When i opened the door i realized that Jungkook was in the study facing the window. He had his earbuds in what was watching something. I couldn't see what it was from here. When i shut the door he slammed his laptop shut and turned around fast. "What're you doing in here?" He asked, "Umm gonna study genius what do you think? What're you doing in here?"
"Nothing umm I'm gonna take a shower." Then he awkwardly walked out of the study and into the bathroom. I wonder what that was about. What was he watching? Well he's in the shower. Wonder if his laptop's in his room... I went to go check and it was. I opened it and brought up his browser to check the history. What i saw I sure wasn't expecting...

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