Kanato X Azusa part 2

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A/N:Ok! So in the last chapter of Kanato X Azusa, I said that I would most likely be writing a part 2 of Kanato X Azusa and here it is! I hope u guys enjoy it! 😘😘😘😇😇😇

Azusa was the first one to wake up the next morning and he looked at Kanato who was still asleep. 'I should...wake...him...up.' Azusa thought before he put a hand on Kanato's shoulder. "Kanato~Kun...wake...up." Azusa said softly, shaking Kanato a little. "Mmmmmhhh. What time is it?" Kanato asked, waking up and yawning. "Almost 12...in...the afternoon." Azusa replied, sitting up as well as Kanato sitting up. Kanato groans in pain as his ass starts hurting after last night. "Kanato? Are...you ok?" Azusa asks and Kanato shakes his head. "My ass hurts after we both broke each other." Kanato says, laying back down on the bed, a look of pain on his face. "Come...on. I'll take...you...to the doctor's...Kanato~Kun." Azusa says. "Maybe...after you...get...better we...could make...love." Azusa added. "Y-yeah." Kanato says and Kanato stands up from the bed only to fall onto the floor. "Just...take it...easy...Kanato~Kun. I'll...help you." Azusa said, picking Kanato up off the floor and laying him back down on the bed. Azusa got fresh clothes from the dresser for both of them. Azusa quickly got dressed and dressed Kanato for him, seeing that he is still in pain.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Azusa sat in the waiting room with Kanato beside him, Kanato's head on Azusa's lap as he sleeps, him holding Teddy close to him. Azusa stroked Kanato's hair as he slept. "Kanato Sakamaki?" A nurse says, walking out of a door next to the check-in desk. "Kana~Kun...wake...up." Azusa says and Kanato wakes up. "Hmm?" Kanato says looking up at Azusa. "We...got called...back." Azusa says and Kanato sits up, wincing in slight pain before standing up with Azusa holding Kanato's hand. "It'll be...ok... Kanato~Kun. You'll...feel... better soon." Azusa says. "Thanks Azusa." Kanato says, laying his head on Azusa's shoulder. They both followed the nurse back into one of he exam rooms. "The doctor will be here in a few minutes." The nurse says before walking out and closing the door behind her. "Azusa?" Kanato says and Azusa looks at him. "What is...it...Kanato~Kun?" Azusa said. "I-I'm scared." Kanato says burying his face into his chest. "Don't...worry Kanato. I'm...right here...with...you." Azusa says, hugging Kanato gently. 10 minutes later, the doctor came in."Hello,  how is everyone?" The doctor asked. "I'm...doing ok...but...my boyfriend...Kanato...keeps wincing...in...pain everytime...he...moves." Azusa replies.
"And how long has this been going on?" The doctor said, walking over to Kanato who is on the exam table. "Ever since...he..woke up." Azusa says, holding Kanato's hand. "Ok." The doctor says before taking her stethoscope and listening to Kanato's heart and lungs (I know vampires hearts doesn't beat and they don't have to breathe but this is my book so I can do whatever 😝). "His heart and lungs sound good. Where is the pain happening Mr.Kanato?" She asked. "I-In my a-ass." Kanato says, wincing in pain once more. "Did you do anything that made this happen?" She says. "My boyfriend, Azusa and I were having sex and... Azusa ended up breaking me not meaning to." Kanato says, looking at Azusa who squeezed Kanato's hand assuringly. "By accident? Ok. If you don't mind," she says, going over to the door and closing it and locking it before walking back over to Kanato and opening a drawer next to the exam table and pulling a pair of rubber gloves out of the box in the drawer before closing the drawer. "I want you to take off your pants and underwear so I can look." She continues, closing the blinds in the window just in case people looked in to see what was happening. Kanato looked at Azusa after watching what the doctor was doing and Azusa nodded before Kanato got off the exam table and took off his pants and underwear. "Now, I want you to lay down on the exam table with your back facing me." The doctor says and Kanato gets back on the exam table, laying down on his side with his back facing the doctor. "Just relax." She said, pulling on the rubber gloves with a snap and Kanato jumps slightly. "You may feel slight pressure in a bit but first I'm just going to look." She says before putting her gloved hands on Kanato's ass and spreading apart his ass with her thumbs. "Ngh, i-it hurts!" Kanato says, squeezing his eyes closed tightly. "Kanato... it'll be...ok. I'm right...here." Azusa says, holding his hand and Azusa grabs Teddy from the chair beside the exam table and put the bear beside Kanato and he immediately held Teddy tightly while Azusa stroked Kanato's hair. "Your right Mr.Kanato. You have been broken but you'll heal. I suggest that you take it easy for the next two days." The doctor says, walking back over to the drawer and opening it, taking out a tube of gel and walking back to Kanato as he turns his head to look at her. "Mr.Azusa if you would try and keep Mr.Kanato calm. Mr.Kanato, like I said earlier,  you will feel slight pressure." The doctor says, squeezing some of the gel on two of her gloved fingers before rubbing the gel all over her two fingers. Azusa turned Kanato's head for him to look at him while the doctor does what she's doing. "Just...relax Kanato~Kun... it'll...be over... quickly." Azusa says. "Ok Mr.Kanato, get ready." The doctor says before sliding in her two gloved fingers into Kanato's asswhole, feeling his g-spot. Kanato groaned in pain since his g-spot is hurting him. "S-stop! P-please!" Kanato says, struggling to get away. "Mr.Kanato please! Calm down." The doctor says, putting her other hand on his waist to keep him still. "N-no! I-it hurts!" Kanato exclaims, continuing to struggle. "Kana~Kun...please...calm down." Azusa says, wiping the tears away that started to stream down Kanato's face. "I-I can't Azusa! It really hurts!" Kanato whined. The doctor takes her fingers out and walks over to the door, unlocking it and opening it slightly. "I'll need to have two more people hold him down. I'll be back" She says before leaving, closing the door behind her after pulling the gloves off and throwing them away. "I-I'm really scared Azusa." Kanato says, more tears streaming down his face. "Please... don't cry...Kana." Azusa says, kissing Kanato. "W-wait...you didn't call me Kanato~Kun, Azusa." Kanato says, looking at Azusa. "I just...thought...we
could...just...say our...name...now that...we're...boyfriend and... boyfriend." Azusa says, wiping the tears away from Kanato's face again. The doctor came back in with two nurses and she closed the door again, locking it. "Ok Mr.Kanato. Let's try this again." She says, getting another pair of rubber gloves from the drawer and putting more gel on two of her fingers before sliding them into his asswhole while the other two nurses hold him down. "N-no! S-stop! It hurts!" Kanato says, trying to get away again. After 5 minutes of Kanato screaming in pain, the doctor finally pulls out her fingers. "It's over now Mr.Kanato. Now, another nurse will come back in to give you some medicine." She says before leaving. "Are you... feeling...ok...now Kana?" Azusa asks and Kanato nods. "It just hurt so much." Kanato replies as Azusa helps him sit up and off the exam table, helping Kanato put his underwear and pants back on. Another nurse comes in and walks over to Kanato with a tray in her hand, closing the door behind her. "Mr.Kanato?" She says and Kanato looks at her. "I'm here to give you the medicine. If you don't mind." She says and Kanato looks at Azusa and then back at the nurse. "I don't mind but what's with the tray?" Kanato asks. "Just...I need you to lay back down on the exam table." She says. "Um...ok." Kanato says, getting on the exam table again and laying down. The nurse sets the tray down on the exam table above Kanato's head before opening the drawer and taking out another pair of rubber gloves and pulling them on. "Ok. Just don't move around too much and it won't hurt much but it will sting a bit." She says, taking an alcohol cleaning wipe packet off the tray and opens it and takes out the wipe before going down to the foot of the table. "I need you to lay on your side for this Mr.Kanato." She says and Kanato obeys, rolling over onto his side. The nurse pulls off Kanato's pants and underwear and lays them on the drawers surface before taking the wipe and cleaning off  a part of Kanato's ass before throwing the wipe away and taking a needle off the tray. "Ok, remember. Don't move." She says before jabbing the needle into Kanato's ass. Kanato jumped when she did that and tensed up, hugging Teddy tight. The nurse slowly injected the medicine into Kanato before pulling the needle out and putting her thumb over the pin-like mark on Kanato's ass, pressing down hard on it and moving her thumb in a circular motion to help the medicine spread. "Just one more Mr.Kanato." the nurse says taking another alcohol cleaning wipe and needle off the tray. "This one will hurt a bit more. The doctor is not wanting you to have any sex for a week. This medicine will help with the urge that you will get for wanting to have sex but it won't prevent ur 'boyfriend' from having sex with you. And before you ask, no I do not like gay people."she says before going and standing in front of Kanato, still at the foot of the exam table. "What are you going to do no-" Kanato started to ask but stopped when he felt her grab hold of his member and cleaned it off before taking the cap off the second needle and jabbing the needle into Kanato's member (I know, I'm wierd but oh well). Kanato jumped and tried to get away. The nurse quickly injected the medicine into Kanato's member before taking it out. "There. Your all done. You may go now." The nurse says, throwing the​ two needles away and she pulls off the gloves, throwing them away too before taking the tray and leaving the room. "Kanato... let's go." Azusa says and Kanato gets up off the exam table slowly, leaning on Azusa as he grabs his pants and underwear off the drawers and puts them on.

~~~~Time Skip back to the mansion~~~~
Azusa walked through the front door of the mansion with Kanato in his arms. "Azusa? What's wrong with Kanato?" Reiji asked. "Nothing...he's just..tired." Azusa said before teleporting with Kanato into their room and lays Kanato down on the bed. "Azusa..." Kanato said tiredly and sounding like in pain. "Yes...Kana?" Azusa says, closing the bedroom door and going and laying beside Kanato. "It really hurts." Kanato says, burying his face into Azusa's chest. "It's...ok Kana. I'll make...it...feel better." Azusa says, pulling off Kanato's pants and underwear. "What are you going to do Azusa?" Kanato asks. "I'll be...right...back...and you'll...see." Azusa says before teleporting downstairs and into the kitchen and getting a ziplock bag and filling it with hot water before telporting back upstairs with it and laying back down beside Kanato. "This...will help...Kanato." Azusa says and lays the bag of hot water against Kanato's member. "Is that...better...Kana?" Azusa asks and  Kanato nodded before he yawned and fell asleep.

~~~~Time Skip again~~~~
Azusa watched Kanato as he slept for the rest of the day when one of Kanato's brother's came in. "Hey Azusa and Kanato, dinner's rea- What's wrong with Kanato, Azusa?" Ayato asks, seeing Kanato with the hot water bag against Kanato's member. "Last..night...Kanato and...I had...sex...and I...broke...Kanato and...I...took Kanato...to...the doctor's. You wouldn't... believe..the pain...he...was in." Azusa says, looking at Ayato. "Oh. Well I hope Kanato gets better." Ayato says about to leave. "Ayato..tell the...others... we'll be...down...a...minute." Azusa says and Ayato nods before leaving and going back downstairs. Azusa looked back at Kanato and softly shook him, waking him up. "Ayato came...in...and said...dinner is...ready...Kana." Azusa says and Kanato nods, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before standing up and putting his pants and underwear back on before walking slowly to the door. Azusa saw Kanato stumble a bit so he rushed to his side and put an arm around his waist to keep him standing.  They left the room and went downstairs and into the dining room, sitting down and starts to eat dinner. "Kanato?" Reiji says and Kanato looked up and looked at Reiji who was sitting across from him. "Ayato told me that Azusa had to take you to the doctor today because Azusa had broke you last night." Reiji says and Kanato looks down, closing his eyes. "Are you ok now Kanato?" Reiji asks and Kanato nodded. "Yeah. I'm ok." Kanato said and continued to eat dinner without talking about what happened.

~~~~Time Skip to Night School~~~~
Azusa laid on the couch in the living room with Kanato laying on top of him, asleep again. "Azusa, are you and Kanato going to come to school tonight?" Ruki asked and Azusa shook his head, looking at Kanato and back at Ruki. "Oh. Ok we'll see you two when we get back." Ruki says and he left with the others.

~~~Another Time Skip to next week (sorry 😹😹)~~~
Kanato woke up after sleeping once again. "Are you... feeling...ok Kana?" Azusa asks and Kanato looked at his lover. "Yes. I'm ok now and I'm really wanting you to fuck me now." Kanato replied and Azusa smiled before rolling Kanato onto his stomach and taking off both of their clothes after Azusa had tied Kanato's hand to the headboard. Azusa slapped Kanato's ass hard, leaving behind a mark. Kanato moaned loud and looked back at Azusa. "D-do it Azusa." Kanato says and Azusa smiles again before slamming into Kanato's ass. "I...really missed..this..Kana." Azusa says, moving in and out. "Me too Azusa." Kanato moaned. "I'm...going to...cum...Kana." Azusa says and after a few more thrusts, Azusa cums into Kanato. "Ngh...that hurt." Kanato says, looking at Azusa. "I'm...sorry Kana..I...didn't mean...to...hurt you." Azusa says, pulling out and untying Kanato and pulling Kanato towards him. "It's ok. You didn't mean to." Kanato says as Azusa lays down with him in his arms. "Let's just...rest...now." Azusa says, yawning and falling asleep. "Oyasumi Azusa." Kanato says and he pulls the covers up over them before falling asleep too.

A/N:OK! So I'm sorry if this chapter seemed wierd but that's how I am! I'm wierd but still...I hoped u enjoyed it anyway! Until the next yaoi! Bye! 😘😘😘😇😇😇

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