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Two months later~

Author's pov
Seungkwan and Jihoon already had their appointment with the doctor, Amy's therapist made her go on dates with guys she found

If y'all wondering Jihoon did send them the video and asked them to buy him food or he was gonna expose them

Jihoon's pov
The whole squad was at junhao house, their house was so big and fancy that you would think they are rich af

Right now we are in lihua's room it was very cute and was painted with pastel colors, Seungkwan was currently holding her

Telling her how uncle boo was gonna buy her every thing in the world, I asked minghao "how the hell are still skinny?" He laughed " I have a mini gym in the house"

Seungkwan said with a sassy voice "who needs a gym when you have something called a fridge" Dino interrupted "you where in a phase where you where working out and barely eating"

We all agreed, it's was the scariest month because Vernon sent us a video of seungkwan begging for food using the word daddy and I thought the meanie couple was kinky but I guess not

I said"We don't go back to those dark days" we needed a lot of holy water to forget about it, Wonwoo said "what language are you guys gonna teach her first?"

"We where thinking of teaching her Korean first cause we want her to talk to you guys and then we will teach her Chinese so we can speak it at home"

I was now holding lihua "omg she's such a cutie, minghao when the hell did you buy her Gucci" he laughed awkwardly "lily bought her a full set of Gucci"

What the hell I thought she was broke, she's probably one of those girl's who lives with their best friend, I'm need to talk to her cause girl my child needs Gucci too

Soonyoung's pov
I was in the kitchen with my bros since we where helping mingyu cook but at the same time gossiping with jun

I asked "so jun have you and minghao fucked after he gave birth to lihua" jun sighed "sadly no, I like really want to do it but like he says he tried but I don't blame him taking care of a child is hard"

Mingyu said "We can take care of her so you and minghao can have some alone time" "sadly that won't work, he will just sleep all day"

seungcheol said "just do it when the baby is taking her nap, tease him first so he remembers the fun time you guys had and then he will want more"

"But like won't she wake up if minghao is to loud" "well then take him to a place far away from her room" I was done cutting the carrots and gave them to mingyu

Then I interrupted "hyung you know a lot, it scares me sometimes" seokmin said "at least he gives us advice, he's was the first one in the group to be a dad so we need to take his advice"I said "true, we need all the advice he gives us"

Jihoon's pov
Minghao was puts Lihua to bed and I can't believe her favorite stuffed animal is Kermit the frog, I want to slap him for giving her that frog

Like you could have gave her a pony but nope it has to be a frog, minghao said "come guys let's go dinner is ready" we all went down stairs and let Lihua sleep

We went to the dinning room, and I was surprised they cooked a fucking meal, I sat down next to soonyoung and gave him a kiss on the cheek "good job, your making dinner tomorrow"

Baby  ..soonhoon.. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن