Chapter Five

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I keep driving to the next town's train station, I didn't want any kind of scares and run into any of the guys who are looking for me. Plus they all think I'm there, wouldn't think I would be driving here I thought this all out! By the time I get to the next town it's five in the morning and my adrenaline finally running out I feel tired, but I continue driving to the station, soon to realize the station doesn't open until seven so in the mean time I park my car in their parking lot and try to catch some sleep.


My arm went off, I made sure I set an alarm because I would probably not wake up since I love sleeping so much. I reach over and turn off my little alarm clock I took with me, I look out the window and see people already lining up to leave or just coming from the train which makes me smile. I get out and walk up the line. Ten minutes later I have a ticket to leave this hell hole and back to my mom's place, I also sort out my luggage items and I was good to go, the train doesn't leave for another hours so I just drop off my belongs to go find my seat.

I bought a private cabin I didn't want to take any chances and just really wanted to be alone until I see my mom again, so I finally found it! I walk in, it's small but cozy with enough privacy from anyone and I was more happy to find I have a lock on my door. I settle on the twin bed waiting for the train to leave, I am anxious to leave maybe I'm just being inpatient, but is that wrong?

I shake myself from my little debate within and just try to relax and think when I'll see my mom again, feels like forever since the last time I saw her, I was very close to my mom so not talking or seeing her really breaks my heart. It'll be a great surprise I know she'll be be happy to see me I simply can not wait! smiling to myself until I hear a knock on my door, my smile wipe clean off my face as I stood at the waiting door.

Another knock on the door this time making me jump, no no it couldn't be right? he can't have found me this fast?! my panic thoughts stop when I hear the voice on the other side of the door, "Ticket, hello ticket please?" hearing the conductor voice was so reassuring, I grab my ticket and open the door.

There stood an elderly man holding out his hand, "I'm sorry about that, I was off daydreaming. Here the ticket sir." I hand the man the ticket and he marks the ticket and hands it back to me, "It's alright there, happens to us all. Friendly reminder we will be leaving in five minutes, have a lovely day and ride." the conductor says while walking away asking the next cabin for their ticket, I shake my fear away and shut the door.

In no time the train was off and I was looking out the window saying goodbye forever to the little town next to my personal hell and devil, relaxing on the bed I feel sleep trying to take over but not wanting to stay up all night from a dumb nap I force myself to stay awake. Now thinking about it I didn't bring much to keep myself entertain I wish I had pick up some books or cross word puzzle to pass the time.

Deciding to get up and leave my cabin, I went to explore the train and find the cart that serves food, going through the carts was fun see different carts and what it has in it. I finally found the cart that's the dining area when I shocked at the entrance. It wasn't Harry who was currently buying food and coffee no it was someone else that would make me fear for my life, it was Bill Scarlet, the second man to have raped me, the second man I fear first obviously going to Harry, the second man on the planet I hated so much and right now the man I needed to hide from As Soon As Possible.

Watching him talking to the cashier I took this time to back out the cart and make a run for my cabin, if I had too I will hide in this cabin until we arrive. Once in the cabin I shut the door locking it backing up on the bed just watching the door for any signs someone was near it, another thought came, maybe I can report him? say he's a crazy ex-boyfriend who was trying to kill me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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