Chapter 5

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With a twitch of my left eye, I walk along steadily,

More grey clouds beginning to roll in heavily.

I look forward yet still, walking along,

Dismissing the lack of the sky's sobbing song.

I look forward to where the sun should rise, though instead I am left in the dark.

Perhaps the East's time has not yet come, still hiding the sun's light arc.

"When shall it come?" I think to myself in a haste.

"I don't know." I answer back in my head, remaining east I faced.

Though my mind remains panicked, my body remains calm,

Tracing the lines and wrinkles in my hand's palm:

An action that always calmed me, what I would try to do,

Even with my lack of focus and attentive view.

My sight peers onward once more, my legs moving forward.

I walk in silence, my surroundings bare of sound nor word.

The sticks of trees, naked and bare, remain the same.

It looks as if no one will know I even came.

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