Chapter 2

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Amanda's Point of View

I heard a knock on my door and when I opened it I saw three of my friends, Tani, Louis, and Zayn. "Hey guys, come in."

They seemed really bored, so we all decided to go to Nando's, Niall's favorite restaurant. We pulled up in the parking lot of Nando's and Niall jumped out of the car once it came to a stop. Louis and Zayn decided they needed to be just as crazy and they ran after him.

"Sorry, but I don't do running." I exclaimed as Tani and I walked toward the front of Nando's.

"Tani! Tani! Amanda! Amanda!" They yelled our names making embarrassment wash over our faces. We walked over to the table they got and sat down.

"Thanks for letting everyone know our names." Tani stated with sass.

"Well, now we know why Louis and her are dating." Zayn joked punching Louis lightly on his shoulder.

"Hell yeah!" Louis yelled kissing her on her lips.

"Owww! my virgin eyes!" I shouted covering my eyes.

"Oh please, your eyes have probably seen worst with Niall. At night. Alone. In your bedroom." Louis retorted. I covered my face up, so no one would see the blush rising to my cheeks.

"Awww! You made her blush!" Zayn said making me bury my head into Niall's chest. "Well, we don't want to speak about what we walked into in Zayn and Nathalie's room." Tani commented with a grin on her face.

We all burst out into laughter earning strange looks from other people. A waitress walked up to us and accepted our orders, within twenty minutes we had our food and it was delicious.


After lunch we all decide to go to my flat and change into our bathing suits and swimming trunks. We were going to the beach.

When we got there we just so happened to see Harry and Riley making out on the sand.

"Amanda, maybe you should be covering your virgin eyes now." Tani hissed with her arms folded and eyebrow raised.

"Shush!" I hushed her.

Riley's Point of View

Harry and I left the flat a little while after Tani and Louis did to go on a little 'adventure' as Harry called it. Our little adventure led us to a beach where right now we silently make out on the sand.

"Amanda, maybe you should be covering your virgin eyes now." Someone said.

"Shush!" someone else replied.

I started to smile into the kiss as I began to recognize the voices. Harry stopped to look up as I did. "What are you guys doing here?" I questioned.

"Oh, I don't know. What do a group of people do at a beach?" Tani stated with sarcasm.

"Enough sassy juice for you young lady!" Louis scolded her. We all burst into laughter as Tani pouted.

After the whole scolding Harry and I received from Louis we all took a quick swim. When we got out Zayn asked Tani to take him home. She agreed. Harry, Amanda, Niall, Louis, and I went to Louis' flat.

Zayn's Point of View

"Why did you want to leave the beach?" Tani questioned.

"Because Jessica hasn't called and I'm slightly worried about her." I replied.

When we pulled up to the drive way of our flat Jessica's car was there. "That's weird" I muttered under my breath. I took out my keys and unlocked the door. "Jessica! Jessica!" I screamed repetitively searching the flat.

"Something must be wrong." Tani stated. She went upstairs to my bedroom. I followed, but stopped when she opened the door eyes wide and her mouth dropped.

"What!? What!?" I yelled. Tears fell from her eyes. Was it that bad? I shoved her out of the way. "OH MY GOSH!" I whispered/yelled.



Oh snap! What did she do!? How is this going to affect their relationship? Keep reading to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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