The End

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Percy POV

There she stood. The one that took everything away from me. Rage and desperation filled me crown to the toe top-full with direst cruelty. (A little Macbeth. Been learning about it at school)  She took everyone. Beauty Queen, Superman, Repair Boy, Gold Digger, Beast. Even my Wise Girl. My beautiful Wise Girl. All because of Gaea.

I couldn't take it anymore. After everything we had been through, they all die in this final battle. Waves of energy burst from my seams as my true power was unleashed. I had little control. All I could see was Gaea. She would pay. 

I barely registered the expression of pure terror and horror at the facts Gaea could now see. Through new eyes she attempted to plead mercy. Cries fell on deaf ears as I began to boil her blood. Water molecules dragged her into the air as she began to disintegrate. Her pain could not end so soon as I continued to slice at body. "Mercy holds no place in battle. It must be earned. You showed them no mercy. Why should I show you?" I whispered in her ear as she faded to the void. 

— Time Skip —

Nobody's POV 

In the past five months the camps have been rebuilding and helping each other cope through the losses. But none so was hit harder than Percy. He had become a shell of his former self. Haunted by nightmares of Tartarus and the many deaths, their leader had lost most of his will to live. The few of his closest friends that survived consisted of Thalia, Nico, the Stolls, Clarisse and Will Solace. 

They tried everything to get Percy to his former glory. Went to the beach, told old jokes. Nothing worked. He had isolated himself, not wanting to hear his tale around the campfire, being told to the newest campers. Not wanting the whispers, rumours and praise. However, the people who knew his best could tell there was something missing. They tried to question Percy but recieved no response. No one knew the real reason he kept trying to live his life.

That reason was a boy on the other side of the world, 17 years of age. Born at the end of July, with round glasses and a lightning scar scratched in his skin. Percy had yet to confide in another soul, the knowledge of his brother.

Percy POV

Loosing the crew of the Argo II made me look to my past. I was but a zombie, with pale skin and dark circles under my eyes. On the inside I was reflecting, reliving and treasuring memories of a time before I was introduced to the life of a demigod. 

Because the truth is that before coming into the mythological world at the age of eight, when Hermes kidnapped me and brought me to camp as a favour to my father, I lived under the stairs of a seemingly ordinary, uninteresting, normal household in England. With my twin brother.

I loved him with all my heart. Being three minutes older, he was my baby bro. When our parents died we were only one. Dropped of at our relatives' house we were treated badly. My brother was constantly bullied and had nightmares seemingly every day. Sharing the same bed (more like, tiny mattress on the floor) allowed me to easily comfort him as he snuggled up to me and asked me to sing, to chase the monsters away. Singing. I haven't sung properly since being seperated from my brother 10 years ago. As a tribute to him I have kept my talent a secret. In hopes that once reunited, I would once again use my voice. 

After my trip to the sea of monsters I began to understand my talent. Like the sirens we witnessed, I too could influence my audience. It is why I could always calm my brother. I wanted to protect him, make him feel safe. My voice carried out my will in the form of melodies. 

I was always there for him. To defend from bullies, to comfort and support, unlike our beloved (note the sarcasm) Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and cousin, Dudley. I would listen to him complain and drown in self pity and would always tell him that we could have had it worse. We could not have a roof over our heads. Or food on our table (not that we had much to begin with). But most importantly, we still had each other. 

He would listen to this and reflect. And after every one of my encouragement speeches, he would hug me tight and thank me for being the best brother ever.

Then came that unfortunate day. We were ripped from each other at a tender age of eight when Hermes took me away. I have never fully forgiven him for that. There has not been a day that goes by that I have not missed my brother. 

After being seperated I had to survive day by day. Fighting monsters and praying that I could survive these prophecies and see him again. He is the reason I keep pushing through the pain. Now that I have survived I will see him again, hold him again. The one person who knows the real me. My brother, Harry Potter. He is the only one who knows that I, am Perseus Potter.

First chapter done! I am so happy. It is past 9pm but I had to get it out there after posting the disclaimer. I hope you guys enjoy it and comment. I would love to use your feedback and ask you to please post any good pairings that you might like to see in the story. 

Thank you,


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