Together Again

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Harry POV

He's really here! He's really here! That was one of the first things I thought as I jumped into his arms. Tears cascaded down our faces as his arms encircled me once again. An embrace for all of those missed in the past decade. His arms as protective as before, now more muscular and strong. 

As we cried into each other I tightened my hold on his shirt in a vice-like grip. "You're here! You're really here! I missed you! I missed you so so so much! I love you! I love you! I love you more than you could imagine! Don't leave! Please don't leave me!" I plead to him, breathless from the crying.

"You... won't believe... how long I have waited for this," he laughed somewhat hysterically as tears of joy drew streaks on his face. "I missed you so much Harry! Don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving," his voice faded as he began to whisper, reassuring himself.

"Mr Potter, Mr Jackson, what is the meaning of this?" McGonagall interupted.

I was shocked back into reality. In those few moments I had completely blocked out the outside world and focused on my twin, only now realising the company we were in.

Percy POV

As I intoduced myself as the student (I know it was obvious but I had no idea what to say) my eyes scanned the room. Then I felt it. The twin bond. He was here, I thought as running footsteps sounded in the hall.

I turned to the sight of my little brother, only to have him crash into me mere seconds later. I cradeled his head to my chest as I clung to him with the same enthusiasm he did me. I heard his words and barely registed the words coming out of my mouth as I heard his voice again.

Only to have our moment interrupted by a teacher. 

I used this as an opportunity to see the twin bond in action, as I spoke into Harry's head. 'What do we tell her? The truth?' 

'We tell her but let's not announce it to the whole school yet, okay?'


Once we had agreed to that Harry roughly outlined our story to the Headmistress in whispers while I assessed the room. I had seen better on Olympus but it was still gorgeous. I could see Zoe's constellation on the stary roof and greeted them on Bob's behalf. 

McGonagall turned to me, "I understand your situation. It is a little hard to believe but I knew of your existance. We will keep this information between the professors and your closest friends. We don't want everyone to know just yet, tell people you knew each other before hogwarts and were like brothers," than she announced to the school, "let us sort our new student."

Harry looked at me and muttered, "I will wait for you outside the hall if you aren't in Gryffindor and safe you a spot at my table incase you are. Good luck big bro."

"I'll be fine, see you soon Harbear," I told him as we reluctantly seperated. Harry looking back every few steps to ensure I was still there as he walked towards the Gryffindor table.

Hi Readers! I am so sorry for the late update but I was exhausted due to the end of term and then had a sleepover, followed by laziness, wanting to read other writers works and writers block. I just really wanted to get this chapter right. So here it is. Please comment on whether you liked it and if you have any relationship ideas for this story that you would like. 

From now on I will be updating, hopefully, at least once a fortnight because exams are coming up and I'm stuck for ideas. If you have any ideas for this story please comment down below to help me out.

Thanks for reading,


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